Moving out a tenant , returns the unit to the vacant list and removes the tenant status from the household.
From the household you wish to move out, click the Toolbox Tab on the left hand side of the page in the household overview.
This will bring up a list of tools. Mouse-over the "actions" symbol and a drop down menu with options will appear. Click "Move Out"
The following Move-Out Wizard will appear:
A - Current Unit Overview: Includes unit address, program, project, and bedroom amount.
B - Next Button: Proceeds to the next step of the Move-Out process.Set the Move Out Date for this Household:
A - Move Out Date:Click calendar icon to open the date picker and select a date.
B - Pro-rate Rent: Yes/No (Pro-rating rent will adjust the first month's rent charge to reflect how many days of that month the tenant lived in the home. For example, if a tenant whose rent is $200 moves into a home on the 16th of the month, pro-rating the rent will only charge this tenant for the remainder of the month. In this case, that would be $100. If No is selected, the tenant's rent will not be pro-rated based upon move in date and the tenant will be charged the full month's rent regardless of when he or she moves in to the home.)
C - Previous Button: Return to Confirm Unit step.
D - Next Button: Proceed to the Account Balances review step of the move out wizard.Review the Account Balances for the Household: