The yellow Sign Up button is used to create new households to add to waiting lists, and other interactions. (Creating a New Household for more info)
Re-certification Widget:
Households appearing in this area
A- This box keeps an up to date count on how many households are about to be , if not already, due for re-certification. This widget keeps a count of up-to-date numbers of households on the re-certification list, allows to to choose the span of how soon households have due dates coming up, and an individual count of days for each household.
B- Drop down menu that allows you to choose the households that are due for re-certification within 30/60/90 days
C- How many days left until re-certification for each household
D- List of corresponding household names
E- Full due date
F- View entire list of up coming re-certifications
Unit Widget
A- Up-to-date amount of units
B- Drop-down list of viewing options
- Vacant
- Removed from Inventory
- Other
C- Vacant since date
D- List of unit addresses
E- List of unit vacancies