B- Transactions button, prompts to search for the household you wish to post a transaction for, and walks you through posting a new transaction. (See Tenant Accounting)
C- Correspondence button, first prompts you to search for the household you want to correspond with via first or last name, SSN, or ARNwish to generate correspondence for, and offers a list of document templates to choose from. (See Correspondence)
D- Repair button is unavailable with this the beta version of Doorways, but will be coming soon for ease in creating managing work orders.
E- Sign Up button is used to create new households to add to waiting lists, and other interactionssign up new applicants. (See Creating a New Household)
3- Waiting Lists- brings up waiting list dashboard, current waiting lists, and Unit unit vacancy widget.
4- Units- brings up units dashboard
B- Drop down menu that allows you to choose to see the households that are due for re-certification within 30/60/90 days