The dashboard is the homepage of the Doorways app. Through the dashboard you can access most of the tools needed to function within the app.
Accessing the dashboard is as easy as logging in to your Doorways account. If you need to navigate back to the dashboard later on, click the "HDS Doorways" button in the top left hand corner of the main header bar.
9- Query- Launches the Doorways Documentation User/Help Guide
G- Re-certification Widget:
A- This box keeps a dynamic count on how many households are about to be due for re-certification.
B- Drop down menu that allows you to choose to see the households that are due for re-certification within 30/60/90 days
C- How many days left until re-certification for each household
D- List of corresponding household names
E- Full due date
F- View entire list of up coming re-certifications
(See Re-certifications, Certification Actions, or Interim Certifications)
H-Unit Widget
A- Dynamic count of vacant units
B- Drop-down list of viewing options
- Vacant
- Removed from Inventory
- Other
C- Vacant since date
D- List of unit addresses
E- List of unit vacancies
(See Move Outs, Assignments and Move-Ins, Household Overview)Recertifications Widget - Summary of upcoming recertifications (See Upcoming Recertifications Widget)
H- Units Widget - Quick Summary of units. (See Units Widget)