0.98.0Released to customer on January 17th, 2017Added:Household Info: - Added "Emergency" as a phone type.
Roles & Permissions: - Added various Waiting List permissions.
Fixed: Certifications: - The dashboard widget for Upcoming Recerts will now be corrected, previously there were several moved-out and/or conveyed households shown as being due for recerts.
Reporting: - Were unable to filter any reports within the Maintenance Report Center.
- All Households report was not updating after a tenant was unassigned a unit.
- All Households report was showing deleted households.
Misc: - Various calendar views were cutoff and unusable.
Alerts: - Empty alerts were popping up.
Loans: - Unit loans were able to be created on household with an "Assigned" status.
Updated:Deposits: - User Interface (UI) has been updated for deposits. Moved summary to top. Sorted desktop and print view by deposit date then by reference number.
Recurring Transactions: - Removed the option for recurring transactions to be made for any day other than the 1st of the month.