0.99.0Released to customer on January 31th, 2018Added:Household Reports: - Added "Aging Report Summary" to the list of reports available from the Report Center.
- Aging Report will sort all current unpaid invoices into categories based on how late they are.
Fixed: Search Bar: - Fixed an issue where the search bar was not giving any results in the Assignment screen.
Allocations Screen: - Fixed an issue where voided transactions where not properly shown in the Tenant Ledger. Voided transactions are now available for view under the filter options.
- Fixed an issue where the dates where showing the previous day. This should now display the proper date when posting to the Tenant Ledger.
Household Unassignment: - Fixed an issue where after Unassigning a Household from a Unit, the unit would not show that it was Vacant. This fix ensures that after unassignment, the Unit will show as Vacant.
Loan Balance Page: - Fixed an issue where Principal Due was showing as Interest Due, and vice-versa. This fix ensures that those two are separated, and will display in the correct location.