Work Orders Overview
Maintenance > Work Orders
A - Filters: Allows you to pick and choose which type of work order appears in the list by priority, status, assigned to, etc.
B - Sub-Filter: Dropdown allows choice to view "All Work Orders" or "Only My Work Orders". Also has the capability to search for a specific household.
C - "New Work Order" Button: Click to begin the process of creating a new work order.
D - Work Order #: List of work orders by their assigned number.
E - Created: Shows the date and time work order was created.
F - Priority: View priority level of work order.
Normal | |
High | |
Emergency |
G - Assigned To: View which user the individual work order is assigned to. If none, the assignment status is unassigned.
H - Address: Address of the housing unit or common area associated with the
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