The Categories tab, under the Reports Organizer, allows you to quickly sort all reports by a specific category: Authority, People, Properties, Accounting, System, or Health. Note: A report's category can be changed on the report's configuration tab.
Categories Tab - Legend
A. Search Bar - Filter through all reports in the selected category by name.
B. Sorting - Sort all reports by name of report.
C. New Report - Clicking this button will allow you to create a new report. Note: Creating a new report from a category screen will not automatically set that report's category.
D. Report Category - The category the report belongs to.
E. Report Name - The name of the report.
F. Info Icon - When your cursor is hovered over this icon, it will display the description of the report.
G. Favorite Icon - This heart icon has two states, red and transparent. If the heart is red, then that report is favorited. If the heart is transparent, then the report is not favorited. Note: Favorited reports are user enabled, other users will not see which reports you have favorited.
H. Reports Organizer - This column allows you to view all reports, favorited reports, reports by category, or bundled reports.
I. Categories Tab - This portion of the Reports Organizer displays all of the currently available report categories. Note: The highlighted category is the current category you are viewing.