1.1.0Released to customer on February 15th, 2018Fixed: Inspections: - Fixed an issue where you could not post a comment on an inspection. This fix ensures that you can post a new comment, as well as edit the comment for additional information.
- Fixed an issue where starting a new inspection wasn't properly giving the ability to select an inspection category.
Statement of Operations report: - Fixed an issue where dates where not filtering properly.
Loans: - Fixed an issue where you could not save a new loan.
Aging Report: - AR amounts and totals in the report are now accurate to in sync with everywhere else.
Misc: - Various items added to search results.
- You can now search with two letters or numbers everywhere in the application, no longer just the main page.
Updated:Batch Payments: - Previously you wouldn't be able to know how many payments had failed or succeeded. Now at the end of your batch payment, you'll have a message noting numbers of payments successful, and number of payments failed.