1.06.0Released to customer on April 25th, 2018Added:Recurring Transactions - Added a confirmation dialog box to posting post recurring transactions manually.
Work Orders - Added an automated email notification that is sent to someone the user when they are assigned to a Work Order.
Fixed: Households - Fixed an issue where Fixed-Rate Rents where not showing up under household history.
- Fixed an issue where households where unable to be deleted.
Inspection Categories - Fixed an issue where dragging an inspection category would not save.
Updated:Inspections - Added household's primary phone number to Inspection Details and Overview.
HDS Billing Statement - Updated formatting, as well as added some necessary information to the bottom-third of the page.
Maintenance - Maintenance activities are not listed alphabetically.
- Changed the Department Screen to actually redirect you the user back to the current Work Order or Inspection, instead of Work Order or Inspection overview.
Misc - Positive and negative adjustments are now uniform in the application.