- Launch the post payment wizard for the household you wish to create a payment for.
- Proceed through the post payment process, however, when you come to the last step of the wizard, click the bubble that says "Manually allocate payment."
- Manual Allocation prompt:
- Payment Amount Remaining to be Allocated
- Charge Description and Date
- Total Charge Amount
- Already Allocated from Previous Payments
- Allocated from This Payment (This is where you will enter the amount to be allocated formĀ this payment)
- Remaining Amount to be Allocated
- Enter in the "Allocated from This Payment" fields the amount you wish to be allocated for this specific charge, from this payment.
- Click "Post Payment".
- Navigate to the tenant ledger, and then to the "Allocations" view.
- The allocations should reflect the amounts you entered in the payment wizard.
Step by Step Guide to Manually Allocating via the Tenant Ledger
- Navigate to tenant's Tenant Ledger, and click the "Allocations" link.
- Click "edit" next to the charge(s)s you wish to allocate payments to.
- Enter the amount you wish to be allocated in the "Allocated" field.
- Click the green checkmark.
- The "allocated" amounts should reflect your manual changes.