- Open the Maintenance center in Doorways by clicking the "maintenance" button in the header navigational bar.
- Click the Inspection Templates tab.
- Click the "Create Inspection Template" button.
- Enter in a Name, and a Description for the new template.
- Click "Generate Template".
- You will be redirected to the list of Inspection Templates, click the name of the newly created template.
- The Template detail window will appear with no Inspection Types, Required Inspection Categories, or Optional/Additional Categories. To add to these fields, click the "Add New" link beside the category you wish to add to.
- Add Inspection Types - Inspection types are those such as an annual inspection, interim inspection, re-inspection, etc.
- Click "Add New".
- Enter in the name for the inspection type.
- Click "Create".
- If you need to make edits to an Inspection Type name, click the "Edit" link.
- Click "Add New".
- Add Required Inspection Categories - These Categories are required to be filled out when performing an inspection, they cannot be left with an "Incomplete" status to complete the inspection.
- Click the "Add New" link.
- Enter a name for the new Required Inspection category.
- Click "Create".
- The new category will be added to the list of categories, which you can order by using the dragging tool.
- Click "Edit" to change the name of the Category if necessary.
- Click "Clone" if you wish to create a duplicate of a category.
- Click the name of the Category to add Category Questions, Inspection Items, and Amenities. (See step 11 for instructions on creating and editing Category Questions, Inspection Items, and Amenities.)
- Add Optional/Additional Inspection Categories - These categories are not required to complete and inspection,