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A - View Cost Details: From here you can view the details of each charge, as well as edit, and delete a specific charge.


C - Add Charge: Click this button to open the New Charge process.

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Step by Step to Adding a New Charge
  1. Click "Add Charge".
  2. Select a charge type.
  3. Enter a description of the charge.
  4. Select whether the charge will be billed to the Housing Authority, Tenant, or other.
  5. Depending on the Charge Type you chose, other information on the date, worker, hours, unit price, unit amounts, etc will be needed.
  6. Click "Save".


G - Estimated Cost: Lists the estimated costs of a work order. You can also edit the estimates.

Step by Step Guide to Creating/Editing an Estimate
  1. Click "Edit" next to the Estimated Costs header.
  2. You can now enter dollar amounts in the open fields.
  3. To add a description, expand the charge type to expose the description field, and enter your comments there.
  4. When finished, click "Save".

H - Print Estimate Worksheet: Click this button to print a sheet of the estimates with their descriptions.