- Click the "Start Working Button" in a work order that has not begun progressis "Scheduled", or select an "In Progress" Work order.
- Enter in the work completed, and either select "Save and Finish Later" or "Work is Complete".
- Check the Smoke Detector checkbox if the detector has been inspected.
- The status of the work order will then change to "In Progress".
In Review -
- Open a work order that has the status of "In Progress."
- Click the "Finished Working" buttonAfter clicking the "Work is Complete" button, a modal will appear prompting the user to select a user assigned to review the work order.
- Select a Reviewer, an then click "Ok".
- The status of the work order will then be changed to "Ready for In Review".
Review and Close -
- Open a work order that has the status of "Ready for In Review".
- Perform the review process for the specific work order.
- Click the "Complete Work Order" button.
- The status of the work order will be set to "Completed".