- Navigate to the Groups Overview page.
- Select, or create the group you wish to post a transaction for.
- Choose the option to post a One Time Accounting Transaction from the Group Actions Menu.
- A pop-up will prompt the user to select between a transaction of the same amount, or differing amounts per household. Select the different amount option.
- The first step will be to enter in the general information that will occur on all the transactions posted for the group.
- Type: Enter in a transaction type, whether the transactions posted will be credits, charges or adjustments.
- Posted On Date: Select a posted on date for the transactions, this will be the same for all households.
- Default Description: Enter in a description that will be defaulted to all the transactions postedfor posted for each household. The next step will offer a chance to individualize to individualize descriptions for households that may have a differing transaction description.
- Cancel: Click this button to cancel the transaction and return to the Group Overview page.
- Next: Click this button to move to the next step.