- Click the row belonging to the Batch Payment you wish to create a deposit for.
- The Historical Batch Payment Summary detail will show:
- Batch Payment Summary Info - Information includes Posted On Date, Number of Entries, Total Batch Payment Amount, and Transaction Description.
- Sort Order Dropdown - Click this dropdown to select a sort order for the list, between Customized Order and by Household name.
- Print Batch Payment Detail - Clicking this button opens the detail view of this batch payment in a new tab:
Example Batch Payment Detail
- Print All Receipts - Clicking this button opens a pdf of each individual's payment receipts receipt in one file.
- Create Deposit - Clicking this button takes the user to the deposits feature with the payment transactions pertaining to this batch payment.
- Payee Info - This information includes the payee household name, Account the payment was posted to, transaction type, payer name, and dollar amount.
- Print Individual Reciepts - Receipts - Click this link to print an individuals payment receipt.
- Click "Create Deposit".
- The user will be navigated to the deposits feature, with the transactions pertaining to the associated batch payment already selected.
- If these are the only transactions to be included, simply click