Context: Household
Name | Description |
action | Name of last action in household history |
carbal | Total A/R Ending Balance for Current Month (Does include Repayment balance) |
ha_city | Housing Authority City |
ha_csz | Housing Authority City State Zip |
ha_email | Housing Authority Email |
ha_fax | Housing Authority Fax |
ha_name | Housing Authority Name |
ha_phone | Housing Authority Phone |
ha_state | Housing Authority State |
ha_str1 | Housing Authority Street 1 |
ha_str2 | Housing Authority Street 2 |
hh_careof | Head of Household mailing Care/Of |
hh_csz | Head of Household mailing city, state, zip |
hh_dob | Head of Household Date of Birth |
hh_email | Head of Household email |
hh_fmlname | Head of Household full name: First M. Last |
hh_fname | Head of Household First Name |
hh_lfmname | Head of Household full name: Last, First M. |
hh_mname | Head of Household middle name |
hh_prphone | Head of Household Primary Phone # |
hh_ssn | Head of Household SSN |
hh_strapt | Head of Household mailing with with apt no |
hh_surname | Head of Household surname, including title. |
insdtsched | Date of Scheduled Inspection |
newten | Tenant's Monthly Charge/Rent |
nextardt | Date of next annual recertification |
ofc_city | Other HA Office City |
ofc_csz | Other HA Office City State Zip |
ofc_email | Other HA Office Email |
ofc_fax | Other HA Office Fax |
ofc_name | Other HA Office Name |
ofc_phone | Other HA Office Phone |
ofc_state | Other HA Office State |
ofc_str1 | Other HA Office Street 1 |
ofc_str2 | Other HA Office Street 2 |
oldten | Previous tenant rent amount |
outputdate | Current Date |
{ DATE \@ "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT } | use Use this (with the quotation marks included) to put in a date without a time |
pgmname | Program Name |
prjname | Project Name |
totarbal | Total A/R Ending Balance for Current Month (Does include Repayment balance) |
typesched | Type of Inspection Scheduled |
u_aptno | Unit Apartment Number |
u_baths | Unit's # of Bathrooms |
u_bdrms | Unit Size (# of Bedrooms) |
u_city | Unit City |
u_csz | Unit City State Zip |
u_state | Unit State |
u_str1 | Unit Street Address Line 1 |
u_strapt | Unit Street Address Line 1 plus Apt Number |
u_yrbuilt | Year Built |
u_unitNumber | Unit Number |
user_email | HA employee/user email |
user_fname | HA employee/user first name |
user_lname | HA employee/user last name |
user_name | HA employee/user name |
user_signature | N/A |
user_title | HA employee/user title |
work_order_table | Iterate over all work order's tied to a household |
members_table | household members table |
waiting_list_table | All waiting lists that this household is assigned to |
balDueCurrentMonth | Balance for the last 0-30 days |
balDue30To60 | Balance for the last 30-60 days |
balDue60To90 | Balance for the last 60-90 days |
balDue90To120 | Balance for the last 90-120 days |
balDueOver120 | Balance over 120+ days old |
balDueOver90 | Balance over 90+ days old. |
Household Action (Household Action Context)
The initial need for this new merge field coordinator and the merge fields it provides is to support Tax Credits including TIC forms/templates and the TTP template.
Name | Merge Field |
annual | checkbox on top of the TIC form, shows if this is an annual recertification |
effdt | effective date of the action initiating the TTP or TIC form |
fixedRentReason | reason for household's fixed rent |
hh_moveindt | household move in date |
imputedAssetIncome | imputed asset income calculated at the time the action took place |
inclimit | current income limit of household per family size |
inclimitx140 | current income limit of household multiplied by 140% (1.4) |
init | checkbox on top of the TIC form, shows if this tenant income certification is for an initial move in |
isFixedRateRent | does the household have a fixed rate rent |
maximumCharge | maximum rent charge allowed |
minimumCharge | minimum rent charge allowed |
mi_famcnt | count of family members at the time of the move in |
mi_inc | total income of the househole at the time of move in |
spec | checkbox on top of the TIC form, shows if this is a certification for a reason other than move in or annual recertification |
otherdesc | note field used if spec field above it set |
passbookRate | imputed asset rate, currently set at 0.06% as defined by HUD |
ppuCode | PPU Code / account number |
totalAssetIncome | total annual income from assets |
totalCashValue | total cash value of assets |
totalExpenseAnnual | total annual expenses |
totalIncomeAnnualAdjusted | total annual income, adjusted |
totalIncomeOther | total value of other income |
totalIncomePensions | total value of pensions |
totalIncomeWages | total value of wages |
totalIncomeWelfare | total value of welfare |
ttpFinalRent | final rent charge |
ttpFixedRent | household's fixed rent amount |
ttpPercent | total tenant payment percent |
utilityAllowance | unit's utility allowance for household |
u_unitNumber | unit number |
Tenant Ledger (Tenant Ledger Context)
Mergefields: "_id", "accountRecords", "actionId", "closingBalances", "closingDate", "conveyanceDate", "deactivatedOn", "formattedUnitTenantStatus", "headFirstName", "headLastName", "household", "householdActions", "moveInDate", "moveOutDate", "openingDate", "ppuCode", "program", "programName", "programType", "project", "projectName", "projectSegmentCode", "tenantLedgerName", "unit", "unitAddress", "unitCSZ", "unitNumber", "unitPPUCode", "unitSegmentCode", "unitStreetAddress", "unitTenantStatus", "transactions", "__v", "numAccountRecords", "sortField"
Tables: "accountRecords", "householdActions", "transactions".
"name", "accountDefinitionId", "accountId", "actionId", "chartOfAccountsId", "deactivatedOn", "displayName", "isAR", "isPrimary", "isBadDebt", "isDeposit", "isPrincipal", "programId", "projectId", "unitId", "openingBalance", "closingBalance", "transactionIds"