Context: Household
Name | Merge Field |
Rank | $itemnum |
Name | household.headLastName, household.headFirstName |
Prefer Points | totalPreferencePoints |
App Date / Time | applicationDate |
Bed | bedroomSize |
Num (#) In Fam | numInFam |
Income | householdGrossIncome |
AMI Pct | percentageOfMedianIncome |
Income Level | incomeLevel |
Last Update | lastUpdatedDate |
Preferences (Name) | <<rs_preferences>><<name>><<es_preferences>> |
Preferences (Points) | <<rs_preferences>><<pointValue>> <<es_preferences>> |
Modified By | modifiedBy |
labor_costs table (Work Order Context)
Household Action (Household Action Context)
The initial need for this new merge field coordinator and the merge fields it provides is to support Tax Credits including TIC forms/templates and the TTP template.
Name | Merge Field |
annual | checkbox on top of the TIC form, shows if this is an annual recertification |
effdt | effective date of the action initiating the TTP or TIC form |
fixedRentReason | reason for household's fixed rent |
hh_moveindt | household move in date |
imputedAssetIncome | imputed asset income calculated at the time the action took place |
inclimit | current income limit of household per family size |
inclimitx140 | current income limit of household multiplied by 140% (1.4) |
init | checkbox on top of the TIC form, shows if this tenant income certification is for an initial move in |
isFixedRateRent | does the household have a fixed rate rent |
maximumCharge | maximum rent charge allowed |
minimumCharge | minimum rent charge allowed |
mi_famcnt | count of family members at the time of the move in |
mi_inc | total income of the househole at the time of move in |
spec | checkbox on top of the TIC form, shows if this is a certification for a reason other than move in or annual recertification |
otherdesc | note field used if spec field above it set |
passbookRate | imputed asset rate, currently set at 0.06% as defined by HUD |
ppuCode | PPU Code / account number |
totalAssetIncome | total annual income from assets |
totalCashValue | total cash value of assets |
totalExpenseAnnual | total annual expenses |
totalIncomeAnnualAdjusted | total annual income, adjusted |
totalIncomeOther | total value of other income |
totalIncomePensions | total value of pensions |
totalIncomeWages | total value of wages |
totalIncomeWelfare | total value of welfare |
ttpFinalRent | final rent charge |
ttpFixedRent | household's fixed rent amount |
ttpPercent | total tenant payment percent |
utilityAllowance | unit's utility allowance for household |
u_unitNumber | unit number |
Tenant Ledger (Tenant Ledger Context)
Mergefields: "_id", "accountRecords", "actionId", "closingBalances", "closingDate", "conveyanceDate", "deactivatedOn", "formattedUnitTenantStatus", "headFirstName", "headLastName", "household", "householdActions", "moveInDate", "moveOutDate", "openingDate", "ppuCode", "program", "programName", "programType", "project", "projectName", "projectSegmentCode", "tenantLedgerName", "unit", "unitAddress", "unitCSZ", "unitNumber", "unitPPUCode", "unitSegmentCode", "unitStreetAddress", "unitTenantStatus", "transactions", "__v", "numAccountRecords", "sortField"
Tables: "accountRecords", "householdActions", "transactions".
"name", "accountDefinitionId", "accountId", "actionId", "chartOfAccountsId", "deactivatedOn", "displayName", "isAR", "isPrimary", "isBadDebt", "isDeposit", "isPrincipal", "programId", "projectId", "unitId", "openingBalance", "closingBalance", "transactionIds"