0.8081.10Released to customer on ---, 2017June 23rd, 2017AddedOutput - Letters are now generated for a household from their household overview page.
- Reporting Templates are now available to be uploaded and utilized throughout various features within Doorways.
- Custom Global Merge fields are now available for Housing Authorities to create, without the need for an HDS developer, in order to generate within a letter or report.
FixedTransactions - Adjustment success messages did not use correct terminology or format. For example, a debit adjustment stated that the payment was successful, and included a "-" in front of the dollar amount.
UpdatedWork Orders - Program and Project now appear after the unit address in Work Order details.
Pagination - When a user selects a record from a list screen (like a list of households) and hits the back button, the system will now take the user back to the same page they were on before.