The Favorites tab, under the Reports Organizer, allows you to quickly view and access all user-favorited reports.
Favorites Tab - Legend
A. Reports Organizer - This column allows you to view all reports, favorited reports, reports by category, or bundled reports.
B. Search Bar - Filter through all reports by name of report or category.
C. Sorting - Sort all reports by name of report or category
Query Category - The category the report belongs to.
. Info Icon - When your cursor is hovered over this icon, it will display the description of the report.
F. Query Widget - Clicking on this widget will open up the query.
G. Favorite Icon - This heart icon has two states, red and transparent. If the heart is red, then that report is favorited. If the heart is transparent, then the report is not favorited. Note: Favorited reports are user enabled, other users will not see which reports you have foavirted
H. Permissions Icon - This lock icon signifies that the user must have role permissions to that specific report to access it.
I. Reports Organizer - This column allows you to view all reports, favorited reports, reports by category, or bundled reports.