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HDS Doorways will come comes with two default inspection templates, the UPCS and the HQS inspection forms. In some cases, users may wish to create a custom template if they dont don't follow exact guidelines of the UPCS or HQS forms, such as a combination of the two. The Inspections Templates feature solves this need , and allows the ability for cloning to clone a previously made template, editing edit a template, and deleting delete a template. Below is a step by step guide as to how to create a new inspection template.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Inspection Template

  1. Open the Maintenance center in Doorways by clicking the "maintenance" button Maintenance link in the header navigational bar.
  2. Click the Inspection Templates tab.
  3. Click the "Create Inspection Template" button.
  4. Enter in a Name, and a Description for the new template.
  5. Click "Generate Template".You will be redirected to the list of Inspection Templates, click
  6. Click the name of the newly created template.
  7. The Template detail window will appear with no Inspection Types, Required Inspection Categories, or Optional/Additional Categories. To add to these fields, click the "Add New " link beside the category you wish to add to.. To edit the Inspection Template Details, click Edit Template
  8. Add Inspection Types - Inspection types examples are those such as an : annual inspection, interim inspection, re-inspection, etc.Click "

1. Click Add New




Enter in the name for the inspection type.

3. Click






If you need to make edits to an Inspection Type name, click the






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9. Add Required Inspection Categories -


Required inspection categories are items that will appear on every inspection using this inspection form by default. They are the basic items that the housing authority wants every inspector to check, and they appear on the form automatically (and cannot be removed from the form).  These are recommended for categories that are mandatory for an inspector to check (e.g. health and safety) or that apply to a room/item that every unit will have (e.g. kitchen). 

1. Click the Add New link.

2. Enter a name for the new Required Inspection category.

3. Click



4. The new category will be added to the list of categories, which you can reorder by using the drag tool.

5. Click Delete to remove the Category if necessary.

6. Click Close if you wish to duplicate a category.

7. Click the name of the Category to add Category Questions, Inspection Items, and Amenities. (See Step 11)

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10. Add Optional/Additional Inspection Categories - Optional/additional inspection categories are items that will not show up on the inspection form by default but can be added by the inspector on site (i.e. on-the-fly).  These are recommended for categories that are not mandatory for an inspector but that the inspector may want the discretion to add on a case-by-case basis, for rooms/items that are not common across all units (e.g. TV room or den), or for rooms/items for which there are multiples in each unit (e.g. bedrooms, bathrooms). 

1. Click the Add New link.

2. Enter a name for the new Optional/Additional category.

3. Click Create

4. The new category will be added to the list of categories, which you can order by using the dragging tool.

5. Click


Delete to


remove the


Category if necessary.

6. Click


Clone if you wish to




a category.

7. Click the name of the Category to add Category Questions, Inspection Items, and Amenities. (See


Step 11)

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11. Edit Inspection Categories - Each inspection category has the ability to include Category Questions, Inspection Items, and Amenities


. To add details to the category, click the Inspection Category name.

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Category Questions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

1. Click the Add Category Question link. 

2. Enter the Question.

3. Click Submit. You will be navigated back to the inspection category details screen. 

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Inspection Categories                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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1. Click the Add Item link.

2. Enter the name of the item that should be inspected and whether if it's Life Threatening, Non-Life Threatening, or Not Applicable

3. Click Submit. You will be navigated to the inspection category details screen to options for the category

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A. Type - How do you want Inspectors to be able to grade an item - Text Input or Options. Note: Text Input 

B. Priority Select - What priority level is this inspection item. 

C. Options - Include options for the Option type input. Examples include: Pass, Fail, Needs Work

D. Cancel or Submit - Cancel editing the Inspection Category


1. Click the Add Item link.

2. Enter a name for the amenity. 

3. Click Submit

4. Your amenity is added

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12. Continue adding, editing, and arranging your Inspection Categories until the Inspection Template is complete

13. Success! You can now create inspections using this inspection template.