Report CenterAnalysis center, located in the Main Header bar, allows easier access to view all reports
, create new reports, edit reports, export reportsto query, edit queries, save queries, export queries (as .csv or .pdf), favorite specific
reportsqueries, categorize
reportsqueries, and bundle
reportsqueries together for quicker downloading.
Analysis Center - Legend
A. Search Bar - Filter through all reports by name of report or category.
B. Sorting - Sort all reports by name of report or category.
Reports Organizer - This column allows you to view all reports, favorited reports, reports by category, or bundled reports.
D. Report Widget - This widget gives you a quick glance
at the report's name, category, report info, and if it's
E. Report Category - The category the report belongs to.
F. Report Name - The name of the report.
G. Info Icon - When your cursor hovers over this icon, it will display the description of the report.
H. Favorite Icon - This heart icon has two states, red and transparent. If the heart is red, then that report is favorited. If the heart is transparent, then the report is not favorited. Note: Favorited reports are user enabled, other users will not see which reports you have
I. Info Icon - When your cursor is hovered over this icon, it will display the description of the report.
J. Permissions Icon - This lock icon signifies that the user must have role permissions to that specific report to access it.
Reports Screen - Legend
A. Reports Organizer - This column allows you to view all reports, favorited reports, reports by category, or bundled reports.
B. Report Name - The name of the report.
C. Favorite Icon - This icon has two states, red and transparent. If the heart is red, then that report is favorited. If the heart is transparent, then the report is not favorited.
E. Export - This button will download a .csv file of the report, viewable in processors like Microsoft Excel.
F. Info - This button will slide out a small modal from the right-side of the screen displaying the report's description.
G. Config - This button will take you to the configuration screen of the report. Allowing you edit the report's info, data it displays, filters, templates, permission, etc.
H. DataColumn Headers - This bar provides a title/name for the data columns displayed below
Step-By-Step Guide to Adding a New Report
Once all of the boxes in the upper portion on the Configuration tab is filled and you have selected your data rows and data you wish to be displayed, go through the rest of the navigation bar to ensure all of the settings are set to your specification.
A. Name - Name of the report. This will change in real-time according to what is typed into box D.
B. Delete, Cancel, and Save Button - These buttons will Delete the report, Cancel the creating operation, and Save the current state of the report, respectively. Note: You cannot undo the function of the button once clicked.
C. Navigation Bar - These tabs are used to navigate between Configuration (Current Screen), Templates, Permissions, and Debug.
D. Name - Type the name of the report that is currently being created in the space provided.
E. Category - This dropdown box allows you to choose which category this report will belong to. Note: Reports can only be under one category at a time.
F. Slug - This is a specialized name to identify similarly named reports.
G. Description - This box is used to describe what the report is, this info will be displayed when your cursor is hovering over the Info Icon.
H. Paginate - Leaving this box unchecked will display one continuous page of all entries, while checking this box will provide multiple pages with a limited amount of entries on each page.
I. Source Type - This dropdown box lets you select a source(data) type from an entity or static. An entity are the report documents that will work with the grid on the report's screen. A static are the report documents that do not have a configurable output, this means it will not work with the grid on the report's screen.
J. Source Name - This dropdown menu will let you choose a specific source under the entity of static type.
K. Include - Checking this box will add this data row to the report's screen. Leaving this box blank will remove this data from the report's screen.
L. Order (Numerical Value) - Placing a number value within these boxes will order these data rows from left to right, with "1" being the leftmost (first) data column. Note: If multiple boxes are given the same number value, the system will place the highest data row on the list before the lower data rows.
M. Type - This column displays the type of data that is being pulled (string, number, date, exists, boolean, multiselect, etc.)
N. Name - Specialized names to identify similarly named titles and to ensure the correct data is being chosen. Note: This Name will not be displayed on the report's screen.
O. Title - This is the name that will be displayed above the column of data on the report's screen.
P. Description - This is a brief description of the data that is being displayed.
Q. Operator - This dropdown menu works in conjunction with the “Value” box, box R in the picture. You can filter through all of the data row’s data by Starts with, Ends with, Contains, Equals, etc. Example: To view the data for the last name “McFly” only, you set “Operator” to “Equals” and the “Value” to “McFly.”
R. Value - This box works in conjunction with the "Operator" dropdown menu, box Q in the picture. Place a value within the box to be filtered. See "Q. Operator"
S. Sortable - Checking this box will make that data row sortable according to the "Sort" dropdown, box T in the picture. The checkbox under the "Sortable" label, when checked, will make all data rows that are "Included" sortable. Note: Data is also sortable through the Filters option on the report's screen.
T. Sort - The dropwdown list allows you to choose how that data row should be sorted, ascending or descending. Note: This dropdown menu will not be applied unless the "Sortable" box next to it is checked. Note: If two or more Sorts have a value other than "None", the system will sort the data by the highest data row's Sort on the list.
U. Width -
V. Filter - Checking this box will allow that data row to be filtered and organized in the Filters option on the report's screen.
W. Group - Checking this bow will allow the system to group data with the same value in a data row. Example: If you wanted to group all households that had the same status, you would check Group box on the tenantStatus data row. This will then display all households that were tenants together and all applicants together. Note: Multiple Group boxes can be checked for different data rows.
X. Sum (If applicable) - Checking this box will add up all the number values in the data row and display it as a separate number in its own row on the report's screen.
Y. Avg (If applicable) - Checking this box will find the average of all the number vales in the data row and display it as a separate number in its own row on the report's screen.
A. Configuration - Change the report's name, category, description, data displayed, etc.
B. Templates - These templates are used for printing the report and you can edit existing templates, create new templates, or delete templates.
C. Permissions - This tab has a checkbox that is labeled "Requires Permission," if the box is checked, then only roles with this permission is allowed to view this report, edit, or print this report.
D. Debug - This tab has a single button, "Execute." If you believe your report is not working as intended, click this button and it will run a simulation of your report to check if something is wrong. If so, please report it to HDS Labs Dev team.Save - This button will allow you to save a new query with the filter, sort, group, and column options you have chosen. This option is grayed out on a standard or base query.
F. Save As - This button will allow you to save a new report category with the filter, sort, group, and column options you have chosen.
G. Refresh - This button will reload the current page, with the default settings of the query you're on.
H. Filters - This button will allow you to filter the report's data by options specific to each category.
I. Sort - This button will allow you to rearrange the ascending and descending order of your data.
J. Group - This button will allow you to organize your data by any of the column options.
K. Columns - This button will allow you to cut or hide unnecessary data columns.
L. Export CSV - This button will download a .csv file of the report, viewable in processors like Microsoft Excel. Note: If this button is grayed out, it's because you have unsaved changes. Please save the query and then export.
M. Export PDF - This button will download a .pdf file of the report. Note: If this button is grayed out, it's because you have unsaved changes. Please save the query and then export.
N. Info - This button will slide out a small modal displaying the report's description.