Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.








{ DATE  \@ "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy"  \* MERGEFORMAT }


Use this (with the quotation marks included) to put in a date without a time
If copying into existing mergefield then delete pre-existing mergefield code between brackets, leave one space adjacent to each bracket and copy from the "D" from DATE all the way to the "T" on "MERGEFORMAT"




Context: Member








Context: Rent Calc




Context: Waiting List





Members Table (Context: Household)

Wrap the following merge fields in a repeating row under the merge field members_table EX: <<rr_members_table>><<er_members_table>>


Race Description


Members Assets Table (Context: Household)

Wrap the following merge fields in a repeating row under the merge field members_assets EX: <<rr_members_assets>><<er_members_assets>>


Members Income Table (Context: Household)

Wrap the following merge fields in a repeating row under the merge field members_income EX: <<rr_members_income>><<er_members_income>>


Merge Field


Members Income Table Groups (Context: Household)

Wrap the following merge fields in repeating row under the merge field members_income_groups EX: <<rr_members_income_groups>><<er_members_income_groups>>


Total Value of Member's Welfare


Wrap the following merge fields in a repeating row under the merge field work_order_table EX: <<rr_work_order_table>><<er_work_order_table>>)
Work Order Table (Household Context)


Waiting List Table (Household Context)


Household Assignments Table (Waiting List Context)

wrap all the following merge fields in a repeating row under the merge field householdAssignments (<<rr_householdAssignments>><<er_householdAssignments)




Num (#) In Fam


labor_costs table (Work Order Context)




Date of Work


materials_costs table (Work Order Context)




Unit Cost


vendor_contractor_costs table (Work Order Context)




Purchase Order


mileage_costs table (Work Order Context)




Cost Per Mile


Household Action (Household Action Context)

The initial need for this new merge field coordinator and the merge fields it provides is to support Tax Credits including TIC forms/templates and the TTP template.


imputed asset rate, currently set at 0.06% as defined by HUD


total value of pensions


Tenant Ledger (Tenant Ledger Context)


Context: Household

actionName of last action in household history
carbalTotal A/R Ending Balance for Current Month (Does include Repayment balance)
ha_cityHousing Authority City
ha_cszHousing Authority City State Zip
ha_emailHousing Authority Email
ha_faxHousing Authority Fax
ha_nameHousing Authority Name
ha_phoneHousing Authority Phone
ha_stateHousing Authority State
ha_str1Housing Authority Street 1
ha_str2Housing Authority Street 2
hh_careofHead of Household mailing Care/Of
hh_cszHead of Household mailing city, state, zip
hh_dobHead of Household Date of Birth
hh_emailHead of Household email
hh_fmlname or lsfmlnameHead of Household full name: First M. Last
hh_fnameHead of Household First Name
hh_lfmnameHead of Household full name: Last, First M.
hh_mnameHead of Household middle name
hh_prphoneHead of Household Primary Phone #
hh_ssnHead of Household SSN
hh_straptHead of Household mailing with with apt no
hh_surname or lssurnameHead of Household surname, including title.
insdtschedDate of Scheduled Inspection
lastCreditPostedOnLast Payment Date
newContractTenant's current Contract Rent
newHapTenant's current HAP
newtenTenant's Monthly Charge/Rent
nextardtDate of next annual recertification
ofc_cityOther HA Office City
ofc_cszOther HA Office City State Zip
ofc_emailOther HA Office Email
ofc_faxOther HA Office Fax
ofc_nameOther HA Office Name
ofc_phoneOther HA Office Phone
ofc_stateOther HA Office State
ofc_str1Other HA Office Street 1
ofc_str2Other HA Office Street 2
oldContractPrevious contract rent amount
oldHapPrevious Hap amount
oldtenPrevious tenant rent amount
outputdateCurrent Date

{ DATE  \@ "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy"  \* MERGEFORMAT }

Use this (with the quotation marks included) to put in a date without a time
If copying into existing mergefield then delete pre-existing mergefield code between brackets, leave one space adjacent to each bracket and copy and paste in from the "D" from "DATE" all the way to the "T" on "MERGEFORMAT" → This will display as "Thursday, January 30, 2020"

Remove the 'dddd' portion to remove the name of the day from the generated output.

TIP: Easiest way to achieve desired date format is to highlight an outputdate mergefield, then right click, select "Edit Field...", under "Field Names" select "Date", then select your desired date format.

ppu/accountNumberppuCode or acctnum
pgmnameProgram Name
prjname (Doesn't work)Project Name
<<{substring(ppuCode , 0 , 6)}>>Project Code
totarbalTotal A/R Ending Balance for Current Month (Does include Repayment balance)
typeschedType of Inspection Scheduled
u_aptnoUnit Apartment Number
u_bathsUnit's # of Bathrooms
u_bdrmsUnit Size (# of Bedrooms)
u_cityUnit City
u_cszUnit City State Zip
u_stateUnit State
u_str1Unit Street Address Line 1
u_straptUnit Street Address Line 1 plus Apt Number
u_yrbuiltYear Built
u_unitNumberUnit Number
user_emailHA employee/user email
user_fnameHA employee/user first name
user_lnameHA employee/user last name
user_nameHA employee/user name
user_titleHA employee/user title
work_order_tableIterate over all work order's tied to a household
members_tablehousehold members table
waiting_list_tableAll waiting lists that this household is assigned to


Balance for the last 0-30 days
balDue30To60Balance for the last 30-60 days
balDue60To90Balance for the last 60-90 days
balDue90To120Balance for the last 90-120 days
balDueOver120Balance over 120+ days old
balDueOver90Balance over 90+ days old.

Context: Member

NameMerge Fields

First Name
fm_firstName, fm_fname
Last Namefm_lastName, fm_surname, fm_lname
Middle Namefm_middleName
Middle Initialfm_middleInitial
First, Middle, Last Namefm_fmlname
Last, First, Middle Namefm_lfmname
SSN Maskedfm_ssn_masked
Date of Birthfm_dob
Race Description«rs_fm_race»«description»«es_fm_race»
Race HUD Code«rs_fm_race»«hudCode»«es_fm_race»
Relation Descriptionfm_relation.description
Relation HUD Codefm_relation.hudCode
Ethnicity Descriptionfm_ethnicity.description
Ethnicity HUD Codefm_ethnicity.hudCode
Email Address«rs_fm_emailAddresses»«address»«es_fm_emailAddresses»
Email Address Category«rs_fm_emailAddresses»«category»«es_fm_emailAddresses»
Address Category«rs_fm_addresses»«category»«es_fm_addresses»
Address Is Mailing Address«rs_fm_addresses»«isMailingAddress»«es_fm_addresses»
Address Postal Code«rs_fm_addresses»«postalCode»«es_fm_addresses»
Address State«rs_fm_addresses»«state»«es_fm_addresses»
Address City«rs_fm_addresses»«city»«es_fm_addresses»
Address Unit«rs_fm_addresses»«unit»«es_fm_addresses»
Address Street Address«rs_fm_addresses»«streetAddress»«es_fm_addresses»
Phone Number«rs_fm_phoneNumbers»«number»«es_fm_phoneNumbers»
Phone Number Category«rs_fm_phoneNumbers»«category»«es_fm_phoneNumbers»
Expense Last Update«rs_fm_expenses»«lastUpdate»«es_fm_expenses»
Expense Amount«rs_fm_expenses»«amount»«es_fm_expenses»
Expense Description«rs_fm_expenses»«description»«es_fm_expenses»
Asset Last Update«rs_fm_assets»«lastUpdate»«es_fm_assets»
Asset Income«rs_fm_assets»«assetIncome»«es_fm_assets»
Asset Cash Value«rs_fm_assets»«cashValue»«es_fm_assets»
Asset Description«rs_fm_assets»«description»«es_fm_assets»
Income Excluded Amount«rs_fm_incomes»«excludedAmount»«es_fm_incomes»
Income Amount«rs_fm_incomes»«amount»«es_fm_incomes»
Income Description«rs_fm_incomes»«description»«es_fm_incomes»
Income Last Update«rs_fm_incomes»«lastUpdate»«es_fm_incomes»
Is Veteranfm_isVeteran
Is Disabled or Handicapped


Co-Head First Namecohead_fname
Co-Head First, Middle, Last Namecohead_fmlname
Co-Head Last, First, Middle Namecohead_lfmname
Spouse First Namespouse_fname
Spouse First, Middle, Last Namespouse_fmlname
Spouse Last, First, Middle Namespouse_lfmname
Spouse Surnamespouse_surname

Context: Work Order


Merge Field
Work Order NumberworkOrderNumber
Requested ByrequestedBy
Area TypeareaType
Head First NameheadFirstName
Head Last NameheadLastName
Program NameprogramName
Project NameprojectName
Modified BymodifiedBy
Modified OnmodifiedOn
Permission To EnterpermissionToEnter
Smoke Detector Was CheckedsmokeDetectorWasChecked
Work CompletedworkCompleted
Closed OnclosedOn
Assigned OnassignedOn
Assigned To Name (Staff or Vendor)assignedToName
Requested OnrequestedOn
Comments Created By«rs_comments»«createdBy»«es_comments»
Comments Created On«rs_comments»«createdOn»«es_comments»
Comment Body«rs_comments»«commentBody»«es_comments»
Work Requested



Tenant Totalwo_tentot
Labor Costslabor_costs (see table documentation below)
Materials Costsmaterials_costs (see table documentation below)
Vendor / Contractor Costsvendor_contractor_costs (see table documentation below)
Mileage Costsmileage_costs (see table documentation below)
Other Costsother_costs (see table documentation below)

Context: Rent Calc


Merge Field
Adjusted Annual IncomeadjustedAnnualIncome
Adjusted Monthly IncomeadjustedMonthlyIncome
Asset IncomeassetIncome
Basic RentbasicRent
Dependent DeductiondependentDeduction
Effective DateeffectiveDate
Elderly Or Disabled DeductionelderlyOrDisabledDeduction
Fair Market RentfairMarketRent
Final RentfinalRent
Gross Household IncomegrossHouseholdIncome
Minimum ChargeminimumCharge
Maximum ChargemaximumCharge
Net Tenant ChargenetTenantCharge
Note Rate RentnoteRateRent
Number Of DependentsnumberOfDependents
Rent LimitrentLimit
Total Annual ExpensestotalAnnualExpenses
Total DeductionstotalDeductions
Total Tenant Payment (TTP)totalTenantPayment
Total Tenant Payment (TTP) PercentagettpPercentage
Unit NumberunitNumber
Unit Street AddressunitStreetAddress
Unit CityunitCity
Unit StateunitState
Unit Postal CodeunitPostalCode
Unit Number Of BedroomsunitNumberOfBedrooms
Utility AllowanceutilityAllowance

Context: Waiting List


Merge Field
Housing Authority Nameha_name
Household AssignmentshouseholdAssignments (see table documentation)


Members Table (Context: Household)

Wrap the following merge fields in a repeating row under the merge field members_table EX: <<rr_members_table>><<er_members_table>>

NameMerge Field
First NamefirstName
Middle NamemiddleName
Birth DatebirthDate
Disabled or HandicappedisDisabledOrHandicap
Masked SSNssn
Unmaksed SSNunmasked_ssn
Relation Descriptionrelation.description
Relation HUD Coderelation.hudCode
Relation Short Namerelation.short
Ethnicity Descriptionethnicity.description
Ethnicity HUD Codeethnicity.hudCode
Citizenship Descriptioncitizenship.description
Citizenship Hud Codecitizenship.hudCode
Created (Date)created
Email Addresses«rs_emailAddresses»«address»«es_emailAddresses»
Email Address Category«rs_emailAddresses»«category»«es_emailAddresses»
Addresses Category«rs_addresses»«category»«es_addresses»
Address Is Mailing Address«rs_addresses»«isMailingAddress»«es_addresses»
Address Postal Code«rs_addresses»«postalCode»«es_addresses»
Address State«rs_addresses»«state»«es_addresses»
Address City«rs_addresses»«city»«es_addresses»
Address Unit«rs_addresses»«unit»«es_addresses»
Address Street Address«rs_addresses»«streetAddress»«es_addresses»
Phone Number«rs_phoneNumbers»«number»«es_phoneNumbers»
Phone Number Category«rs_phoneNumbers»«category»«es_phoneNumbers»
Expense Last Update«rs_expenses»«lastUpdate»«es_expenses»
Expense Amount«rs_expenses»«amount»«es_expenses»
Expense Description«rs_expenses»«description»«es_expenses»
Asset Last Update«rs_assets»«lastUpdate»«es_assets»
Asset Income«rs_assets»«assetIncome»«es_assets»
Asset Cash Value«rs_assets»«cashValue»«es_assets»
Asset Description«rs_assets»«description»«es_assets»
Income Excluded Amount«rs_incomes»«excludedAmount»«es_incomes»
Income Amount«rs_incomes»«amount»«es_incomes»
Income Description«rs_incomes»«description»«es_incomes»
Income Last Update«rs_incomes»«lastUpdate»«es_incomes»
Community Service CodecommunityServiceCode
Race HUD Coderace.hudCode

Race Description

is Full Time StudentisFullTimeStudent
Household Member #memberNumber
Tribe Affiliationtribe
Tribe's Enrollment NumberenrollmentNumber

Members Assets Table (Context: Household)

Wrap the following merge fields in a repeating row under the merge field members_assets EX: <<rr_members_assets>><<er_members_assets>>

NameMerge Field
Household Member #memberNumber
Asset TypeassetType
Cash Value of AssetcashValue
Annual Income from AssetassetIncome

Members Income Table (Context: Household)

Wrap the following merge fields in a repeating row under the merge field members_income EX: <<rr_members_income>><<er_members_income>>


Merge Field

Household Member #memberNumber
Income TypeincomeType
Annual Income from IncomeannualIncome
Amount Excluded from IncomeexcludedAmount
Annual Income adjusted (Excluded Amount subtracted from Annual IncomeadjustedAnnualIncome

Members Income Table Groups (Context: Household)

Wrap the following merge fields in repeating row under the merge field members_income_groups EX: <<rr_members_income_groups>><<er_members_income_groups>>

NameMerge Field
Household Member #memberNumber
Total Value of Member's WagesincomeWages
Total Value of Member's PensionsincomePensions

Total Value of Member's Welfare

Total Value of Member's Other IncomeincomeOther

Wrap the following merge fields in a repeating row under the merge field work_order_table EX: <<rr_work_order_table>><<er_work_order_table>>)
Work Order Table (Household Context)

NameMerge Field
Household's latest Work Order # wo_num

Waiting List Table (Household Context)


NameMerge Field
Waiting List Namewl_name
Waiting List Application Datewl_dton

Household Assignments Table (Waiting List Context)

wrap all the following merge fields in a repeating row under the merge field householdAssignments (<<rr_householdAssignments>><<er_householdAssignments)

NameMerge Field
Namehousehold.headLastName, household.headFirstName
Prefer PointstotalPreferencePoints
App Date / Time



Num (#) In Fam

AMI PctpercentageOfMedianIncome
Income LevelincomeLevel
Last UpdatelastUpdatedDate
Preferences (Name)<<rs_preferences>><<name>><<es_preferences>>
Preferences (Points)

<<rs_preferences>><<pointValue>> <<es_preferences>>

Modified BymodifiedBy

labor_costs table (Work Order Context)

NameMerge Field
Charge TypechargeType
Billable To



Date of Work


materials_costs table (Work Order Context)

NameMerge Field
Charge TypechargeType
Billable To



Unit Cost


vendor_contractor_costs table (Work Order Context)

NameMerge Field
Charge TypechargeType
Billable To



Purchase Order


mileage_costs table (Work Order Context)

NameMerge Field
Charge TypechargeType
Billable To


Total MileagetotalMileage

Cost Per Mile


Household Action (Household Action Context)

The initial need for this new merge field coordinator and the merge fields it provides is to support Tax Credits including TIC forms/templates and the TTP template.

NameMerge Field
annualcheckbox on top of the TIC form, shows if this is an annual recertification
effdteffective date of the action initiating the TTP or TIC form
fixedRentReasonreason for household's fixed rent
hh_moveindthousehold move in date
imputedAssetIncomeimputed asset income calculated at the time the action took place
inclimitcurrent income limit of household per family size
inclimitx140current income limit of household multiplied by 140% (1.4)
initcheckbox on top of the TIC form, shows if this tenant income certification is for an initial move in
isFixedRateRentdoes the household have a fixed rate rent
maximumChargemaximum rent charge allowed
minimumChargeminimum rent charge allowed
mi_famcntcount of family members at the time of the move in
mi_inctotal income of the househole at the time of move in
speccheckbox on top of the TIC form, shows if this is a certification for a reason other than move in or annual recertification
otherdescnote field used if spec field above it set

imputed asset rate, currently set at 0.06% as defined by HUD

ppuCodePPU Code / account number
totalAssetIncometotal annual income from assets
totalCashValuetotal cash value of assets
totalExpenseAnnualtotal annual expenses
totalIncomeAnnualAdjustedtotal annual income, adjusted
totalIncomeOthertotal value of other income

total value of pensions

totalIncomeWagestotal value of wages
totalIncomeWelfare total value of welfare
ttpFinalRentfinal rent charge
ttpFixedRenthousehold's fixed rent amount
ttpPercenttotal tenant payment percent
utilityAllowanceunit's utility allowance for household
u_unitNumberunit number

Tenant Ledger Context



























































Deposit Report Context

Deposit Transactions Table




Deposit Groups Table


SubGroups Table

Non-Table Mergefields



Receipts Context

projectedItems: { type: 'table' }
















sequence: type




Docmosis Documentation

*Don't utilize any quotes on the outside of expressions or mergefields, they're written here to emphasize it's a piece of code or an input/output. Some expressions/mergfields may utilize single or double quotes within themselves, these are okay to use and are part of the code.

Using Expressions

Sometimes an expression will work with the already existing mergefield name - you'll simply place the name of the mergefield in the expression.

Other times you may need to establish a variable for the expression to recognize it and be able to use it. In that case, to establish a variable you will place a dollar sign in front of a newly created word.

For example, we have an already existing mergefield named "applicationDate" but we need to apply an expression to it to modify it. We will establish a new variable named "application" by writing this in the top of the document (top of the document is the best place as it needs to be read by the system first before being able to be used further below in the document). That looks like this: "$application=applicationDate"  (Once again, please don't use the double quotes when you actually do this, they're there to emphasize it's code or a named variable.) This line of code will automatically be hidden by Word as long as Docmosis accepts it as an established (functioning), new variable. You will then use an expression below this line of code to augment the date from the mergefield named "applicationDate" by writing "<<{dateFormat(application, ‘MM/dd/yyyy’)}>>" now that we've established that "applicationDate" mergefield has been turned into a variable called "application".

Establishing an expression that is a sum of two already existing mergefields:

In this case, using currentAmountDue and newten on a billing statement to add the new projected rent (updated from an interim) with the current amount billed looks like the following...

Below are some useful expressions for Doorways templates:

Formatting a Monetary Value:

myVal = variable name or pre-existing mergefield.


This will change an input such as "1127.4" into "$1,127.40".

If you're having an issue with a monetary amount not rounding to the 2nd decimal place, use this expression: «carbal» $<<{round(carbal,2)}>>  make sure to right click the carbal mergefield, click on Font, and press the hidden button, otherwise you will see the amount displayed twice (the expression requires that the mergefield be in the document in order to work so that's why we keep it there but hide it). 

Remember to Font-->Unhide (blank checkbox) the whole document to discover hidden text/mergefields (as usage of expressions necessitates preceding mergefield to be inserted for it to work, hide this mergefield)
Then when necessary hide the mergefield after editing it, by Font-->Hide (checkmarked box)

Hiding Mergefields/Text

Highlight the text, mergefield, or expression you'd like to hide then click to expand the font section in word to see further details, navigate to "Effects" and checkmark "Hidden".

This is useful for quickly removing something from being shown when the document generates it's output - however it will remain in the document for future reference. Sometimes you may want to hide a mergefield or expression that has to be established in order for a piece of code further in the document to work - you can simply hide these, they will still continue to function but not be shown in the generated output.