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Video Demonstration: 

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nameAssign and Unassign Actions.mp4

Step-By-Step Guide to Assigning a Household


An assignment action removes the specified unit from the vacant units list and disallows other households from being assigned, or moving into the unit. This action will also create accounts for the household based upon the program and project setup associated with the assigned unit. A household action will be created upon completion in the Household History tab.

  1. Navigate to the household you would like to assign to a unit 
  2. Click the Toolbox Tab on the left hand side of the page

  3.  This

    This will bring up a list of tools/actions. Mouse-over the

    "actions" symbol

    person icon and a drop down menu with options will appear.

  4. Click "Assign"

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  5. The Assignment Wizard will then run

  6. . Filter and select the unit the tenant will be assigned to.
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    A- Program select- Choose the housing program 

    B- Unit size select- Pick amount of bedrooms

    C- Location of unit

    D- Available Unit Select- Search for specific units or choose from filtered options below (Depending on your screen size, you may need to scroll down to see entire list of options)

    E- Projected Rent

    F- Proceed to next step

  7. The second step in the assignment wizard reviews any required deposits that need to be paid, and offers the chance to change the dollar amounts for each.
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    A- Unit information review

    B- Projected rent amount

    C- List of required deposits and dollar amounts

    D- Proceed to next step

  8. Review the waiting lists the tenant is currently on. You can then choose to remove them from waiting lists, or leave them as is. 

  9. Last step to the assignment process is to review the information from the previous steps.

  10. Click "Finish" and the tenants assignment status will be updated
  11. :

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    A. Filters - Clicking the "Show Filters" icon will open a menu of filters available to narrow to vacant unit list. These filter criteria include Program, Project, and Bedroom Size. 
    B. Search 
    - Use the search box to enter a unit address and narrow down the list of vacant units. 
    C. Unit Selection 
    - Click the bubble beside the the unit you wish to assign the household to.
    D. Projected Rent 
    - Based upon rent calculations, this figure will approximate the monthly amount the household might be charged. This figure will not generate for units belonging to a Loan type program.
    E. Rent Details 
    - Clicking this link will show a detailed view of the rent calculation. Example: Image Added
    F. Assignment Date 
    - You can choose the date the assignment is for. The assignment date cannot be after move in or before the previous tenant moves out of this unit. 
    G. Assign
    - Click this button to complete the assignment process.Filters - Clicking the "Show Filters" icon will open a menu of filters available to narrow the vacant unit list. These filter criteria include program, project, and bedrooms.
  12. Select a unit to assign the household to.

  13. Optional: Print the Projected Rent Details.

  14. Click the "Assign" button.

  15. Review before finalizing. From here you can also choose to cancel the assignment action.

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  16. Click "Yes" and the tenants assignment status will be updated. 

  17. Success! An assignment household action will be added to this members "Household History" tab.

Step-By-Step Guide to Unassigning a Household

This action does not create a Household History item, instead it removes the original assignment from the Household History. Unassigning a household does remove the assignment status from the household so the unit can be assigned to another household and/or the specified household can be assigned a different unit.

  1. Click the Toolbox Tab on the left hand side of the page

  2. This will bring up a list of tools/actions. Mouse-over the "household actions" symbol and a drop down menu with options will appear. Click "Unassign"

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  3. The assignment process will run

  4. A prompt will appear warning the user that an unassign action cannot be undone, and confirming you are unassigning the household from the specified unit.

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  5. Click "Ok" to complete the unassignment action. Click "Cancel" to cancel the unassignment action.

  6. Success! You have unassigned the household.