0.80.1Released to customer on June 20th21st, 2017FixedInspections - Inspection Details had incorrect alignments in printed view.
- Error saving inspections that were created for units without a tenant.
- Pass/Fail checkboxes were not appearing on a blank printed inspection form.
- Clicking the "X" in the "Generate Work Order" from an inspection view was not returning to the original inspection.
- Printed Inspections did not display the "Priority Level" field.
Work Orders - Comments are now ordered by newest first, proceeding then to older comments.
Misc Receipts - Despite having the "Post Payments" permission the Misc Receipts tab did not show for users with that permission.
- View Misc Receipts permission was added.
- Post Misc Receipt Permission was added.
GL Account Setup - GL Account were once allowed to be saved with the same name. When name is already in use now, an in-app error message is shown.
Households - When editing a household members profile, opening the relations dropdown and selecting a new relation did not make the dropdown auto disappear as it should have.
UpdatedUsers - Usernames/Emails are no longer case sensitive.
Reporting - For the All Transactions report, pagination now kicks in after 25 transactions. (i.e only 25 transactions per page.)