0.90.0Released to customer on September 27th, 2017Added:Bad Debt Accounts - The ability for an HDS admin to set an account for all households within a program that is a bad debt account.
Tenant Work Order Charges - When closing a work order, if any charges have been set with the "Charge to Tenant" type, a charge will automatically be posted to the tenant's account.
Updated:Inspections/Work Orders - When an inspection fails, opening a work order from said failed inspection will auto fill the work order form.
Fixed:Households - Editing a household name no longer needs a browser refresh to completely update
Recertification Report - The "Due" or "Danger" icon was being shown on households that had yet to reach their due date for a recert.
Letter/Report Templates - Using the "X" or close button upon uploading a new template was non-functional.
Groups - Error message was shown when posting group transactions with the same amount.