Materials are the core of the inventory system. Without materials in stock, how is a maintenance team member able to use an item for a work order? Your material list helps track what inventory you keep in stock, how much is in stock, and at what location.
Materials List View
The material list is a grand list of all materials. This list is paginated, meaning, if there are over 15 materials, the list will split itself into pages. You can also search for materials by name or identifier to narrow the list, and reduce the number of materials seen on the screen, by using the search bar. The Material list shows a small summary for each material item in a row. This summary detail includes; : Group, Name, Identifier, Preferred Material status, and Total Quantity. From this view, you can also access Inventory actions via the Action Dropdown.
A. Search - Search for a material in the materials list
B. Materials Actions - From here, you can adda New Material, Adjust materials, Dispose of materials, Recevie materials, and Transfer materials.
C. Group - Grouping is a way to organize materials into different categories for reporting purposes.
D. Name - The name of the material
E. Identifier - An identifier is the unique code or naming convention to set this material apart from all the others.
F. Preferred Material - Designating a material as Preferred lets others know they should be using the material over others.
G. Quantity - Total quantity across all locations.
Material Detail
When you click on a material from the list view, the detail view for that specified item is opened. The detail view shows all of the pertinent information regarding a material such as Grouping, Identifier, Unit of Measurement, Cost per Unit, Brand, Supplier, Preferred Status, Total Quantity, and Location Quantities.
A. Name - The name at the top of the screen indicates which material you have selected.
B. General Information - An overview of the identifying information for this material.
C. Quantity - Total quantity across all locations.
D. Locations - The different locations that have this material stored.
E. Quantity - A breakdown of quantity between locations.
F. Delete or Edit - Delete the material or edit the material. Note: if you would like to just close out, click the gray X in the top right of the screen.
Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Materials
1. Navigate to Maintenance → Inventory → Materials → Action Dropdown → New Material
2. Set the Group Name for the new material. This will be used later in order to group all materials within reports pertaining to Maintenance Items. For example, light bulbs could have a group name of "Lighting".
3. Enter the name of the material/item.
4. Enter a unit of measurement. This will appear beside the individual price point in cost reports, as well as the master material list. (Ex: For a light bulb, a unit of measurement would be
1 Bulb
and will appear as $2.99/Bulb)
5. Enter an identifier code. This code can
be comprised of numbers or letters or a combination of both.
6. Enter the brand for this specific item.
7. Fill in the
field, this is where the item is supplied from, for example, Home Depot.
8. Enter a starting quantity.
9. You can leave this field as “0” if you do not yet have any of this item in inventory.
10. Optional: Check the preferred flag checkbox. This signifies that the item is preferred over other items of the same type.
11. Click
Success! You have added a new material item.