households"OCCUPANCY" tab in the header bar encompasses a master list of all the households including their associated status, address, program, and project.
From here, you can also filter the households by status, program or project to narrow your search by clicking the "Filters" button.More Information
A - Add New Household: Create a new household
B - Create / Add to Group: Create a new group to add households to, or add households to existing groups.
C - View another report: Navigate to other reports such as Activity Report, Aging Report Summary, Balance Due Report, Family Income Level, and, Recertifications (Overdue and Scheduled).
D - Filters: Filter through households by Status (Assigned, Tenant, Non Housing, or Conveyed), Program, and Project.
E - Header Bar: The household report lists the Name, Status, Address, Program, Project, and Unit of all
- When the name of a household member is selected, it will take you to their individual
- Household Overview page.