The grouping feature in Doorways allows you to select as many or as few households as you need, and combine them into a "group". You may achieve this through the grouping page, all households report, and/or the aging report. From a group you can select whether you wish to post a transaction for the entire group, or send a letter to the entire group.
Groups List Overview
a. Search Group by Name - Enter the name of the group you wish to find, and the list will be narrowed down based upon the text enter in this field.
b. Create New Group Button - Click this button to begin the process of creating a new group
c. Group Name/Link - This field shows the name of the previously created group, and once clicked takes you to the groups detailed overview.
d. Delete Group Icon - Click the small trash can to remove a group.
e. Page Navigation - if there are many groups, they may bleed over to separate pages. Click the number of the page you wish to view and/or the left or right icon to "flip" the page.
Group Detail Overview
a. Edit Group Name and/or Group Description - The group name is shown here along with a running count of the amount of members that belong to the group. Click one of the edit links to change the group name or description.
b. Back to Manage Groups - Click this link to return to the groups list overview.
c. Member Search Bar - Entering a name into this field will search through the entire list of households in the app, not just those in the group. From here you can click the "Add Group Member" button to include the searched for household into the group.
d. Action Selection Dropdown - Click this dropdown to show a list of actions able to be performed in bulk for the groups members. Currently you can choose either a bulk letter, or a bulk transaction.
e. Add Group Member - Click this button to add a new member to the group. This is done by using the search bar (C) and after selecting a member, clicking this button.
f. Member Name/Link - The head of household appears in the group list here. Clicking on the members name will direct you to their household overview page.
g. Account Select Dropdown - Clic this dropdown to offer a menu of the household members accounts. In order to post a bulk transaction an account must be selected.
h. Delete Member Icon - Click the trash button to remove a household member from the group list.