Posting a payment occurs when a tenant posts a credit to one of their accounts.
Video Demonstration:

Step-by-Step Guide to Posting a Payment
- From the selected tenants Household Overview page click on the Toolbox tab.
- Mouse over the "Transactions" button, and from the drop down menu clcik "Post a Payment".
A- "Transactions" button.
B- Post Payment button

- Fill in Required Fields of the Post Payment Wizard:

- Account: Select the account you wish to post the payment to.
- Payment Type: Select the type f payment being made.
- Posted On Date: Enter the date the payment was posted.
- Amount: Enter the amount of the payment.
- Description: Enter a description for this payment (optional).
- Cancel Button: Click this button if you wish to cancel the payment.
- Post Payment Button: Click this button once required fields have been met, and you wish to post this payment.
- Success! The payment has been posted to the tenant ledger. You will automatically be redirected to the updated Tenant Ledger, which will reflect this newest payment.