0.94Released to customer on November 25th, 2017Added:Reporting - Aging Summary Report - Report that summarizes the original Aging Report. Able to be filtered by Program, Project, Past Due Balances, etc.
- Tenant Account Summary Report - Tenant Accounts are summarized within this report, including bad debt accounts, deposit accounts, MEPA accounts, etc.
Updated:Reporting - Renamed Cash Cutoff report to Cash Receipt Register.
Fixed:Reports - Aging Report omitting households over several pages.
Notes - When editing household notes, a duplicate was created. One for the original note, and one for the edit.
Households - Addresses were displaying with a null within spaces, or where a unit number was not included. This was removed.
Deposits - Batch Payments missing from selection to create a deposit.
Report/Letter Templates - Were unable to save template description edits.