Loan Tracking Overview
A - Current Loans: A list of loans that the selected household is still making payments toward.
B - Historical Loans: A list of loans the selected household has paid off.
Balance at a Glance
Access this page by clicking the name of the loan from the Loan Tracking Overview.
A - Page Navigation: Each link will navigate to a new page of information in the specified loan.
B - Current Loan Summary: Summary includes monthly payment amount, current principal amount due, current interest amount due, interest rate, and projected pay off date. From here you can also make a loan payment using the "Make Payment" button.
C - Loan Graph: Visual that relays the current principal balance and principal paid to date.
D - Recent Transactions: Recent transactions related the the specified loan. Includes the ability to expand transactions to view more information, print a receipt, or edit. Click "View All" to view all transactions.
Amortization Schedule
A - Date Filter: Clicking this drop down offers a list of years, that when chosen filters the amortization schedule to the selected year. Includes the default option to view All Years.
B - Amortization Schedule: A table detailing each periodic payment, and principal balance on the specified loan.
Payment History
Loan Terms and Settings