0.93Released to customer on November 8th, 2017Added:Reports - Aging Report Summary has been added within the set of household reports. This report is an aging report based upon the account balances in regards to what has been deposited. For example, a household has paid on a 30+ day overdue balance, but this payment has not been deposited to the bank. The Aging Report Summary will display the account as remaining overdue.
Updated:Misc Receipts - Navigating through pages was not working correctly. For example, clicking page two still displayed data from page one.
Inspections - Photos added during an inspection, will also be added to the specified unit.
Work Orders - Cost details now include the laborer name/information.
Fixed:Tenant Ledger - Within the allocations view, transactions were listed with the description date shown. This has been fixed to show transaction subcategory instead.
Work Orders - Common area work orders, when generated, showed information pertaining to tenants, rather that noting that the Work Order was made for a common area.
- Work Orders performed on households without a phone number caused an error when generating output.
Household Actions - Move-ins on households, with no TTP required, were still showing the rent calc/TTP worksheet.
Household Notes - Notes were displaying the "view date" rather than the "created on date"
Loans - Stopping a loan did not update the total loan count.
Reports - Aging Report showed several accounts that were not past due, when filtering to the "Past Due Only" accounts.