

Released to customer on November 8th, 2017


Work Orders

  • Supply items/materials can now be added to our system. Each supply item must have a name, identifier, unit, supplier, and optionally a price. This makes it easier to add costs to a work order before completion, while also noting the materials that have been used on an individual Work Order.

Misc Receipts

  • Navigating through pages was not working correctly. For example, clicking page two still displayed data from page one.


  • Photos added during an inspection, will also be added to the specified unit.

Work Orders

  • Cost details now include the laborer name/information.

Tenant Ledger

  • Within the allocations view, transactions were listed with the description date shown. This has been fixed to show transaction subcategory instead.

Work Orders

  • Common area work orders, when generated, showed information pertaining to tenants, rather that noting that the Work Order was made for a common area.
  • Work Orders performed on households without a phone number caused an error when generating output.

Household Actions

  • Move-ins on households, with no TTP required, were still showing the rent calc/TTP worksheet.

Household Notes

  • Notes were displaying the "view date" rather than the "created on date"


  • Stopping a loan did not update the total loan count.


  • Aging Report showed several accounts that were not past due, when filtering to the "Past Due Only" accounts.