
Released to customer on June 28th, 2018


TIC Forms

  • Upon generation of a TIC form it will auto-populate the tax credit income limits defined on the tax credit project, if there are none defined, it will default to the program level income limits.

Tax Credits

  • You can now set up tax credit income limits under each income limit area in programs and projects set up. 

Work Orders

  • Fixed an issue where the laborer couldn't be edited in the cost details on a work order.


  • Fixed an issue where icons on the batch payments page were oversized and obstructing information. 
  • Fixed an issue where miscellaneous receipts can't be created. 
  • Fixed an issue where batch payments weren't obeying the user's custom ordering.


  • Fixed an issue where the work order charges letter was duplicating the dollar sign for monetary values.


  • Fixed an issue where two "Save" buttons in the housing authority set up were not functioning correctly.


  • Fixed an issue where users couldn't create a new loan program.


  • Fixed an issue where birthdates were formatted as YYYY/MM/DD instead of MM/DD/YYYY.
  • Fixed an issue where entering notes for a household caused the household information to fail to load. 
  • Fixed an issue where an unassigned household would still show as "Primary" in the tenant ledger.


  • Fixed an issue where projects weren't filtering unless programs were filtered first. 
  • Fixed an issue where the monthly charges report wasn't loading. 
  • Fixed an issue where work orders were not showing up on the work orders report.
  • Fixed an issue where the balance due report wasn't showing the current day balances.
  • Fixed an issue where the work order cost report wasn't filtering by date correctly.


  • You can now view filters alphabetized, and the "Add All" is always listed at the bottom. 

Work Orders

  • You can now view a confirmation dialogue before closing out a work order that confirms: work order costs, itemized tenant charges or housing authority charges, and offers a confirm or cancel to proceed.
  • You can now only edit the "billable to" field on work orders material charges, users are unable to edit or delete these charges created via integration with WIN inventory or any other inventory. 
  • You can now view custom attribute details on work orders.


Released to customer on June 30th, 2018

  • Fixed an issue where the "Undo Action" button wasn't working.