Released on May 18, 2016
- New Certification wizard design and features with differentiation between a rental and loan unit.
- New Move-In wizard design, as well as the ability to create a new loan upon move-in for a loan unit.
- New Move-Out wizard design and ability to stop a loan during the move-out process.
- Rent Roll report added to accounting reports center.
- Household History tab. New design, details, and added ability to undo the most recent action, print TTP worksheet, and edit a household action's date, monthly charge, and date of next certification.
- Data migrations to support new household action and history refactor.
- Report filtering bug that kept users from filtering by specific loan(s). Fixed in all reports except the Statement of Operations.
- Charge and Adjustment reports print error in which only an expanded subcategory would print all transactions for that subcategory.