Released to Customer on January 30, 2017
Month End
- Accounting > Month End. When attempting to close a month, the app would not lock down the month and open the next. Error was shown in-app.
Move - In:
- Mid-month rent proration is functional once again for move-in actions. Fix is still required for move-out actions.
- Upon move-in for some units, an Accounts Receivable account was not automatically being created.
Household Overview
- "Null" field in household address appeared after importing housing authority data.
- When selecting a specific member from the "Household Members" dropdown, the correct member was not generated. instead, another member was selected.
- Printed deposit was cutoff and not including the subcategory details pertaining to the deposit's transactions.
Billing Statements
- Issue has been fixed, wherein the monthly billing statement was not populating after the month end.
Apartment Numbers vs Unit Numbers
- Apartment Numbers where not being shown in the appropriate cases, and were replaced by the unit number.
- Data migration was added in order to fix the All Households report to show only apartment numbers instead of unit number.
Batch Payments
- Ability to post payroll, aka batch payments, for multiple households from one pay source.
Tenant Ledger Filtering
- Filtering to a specific account within a households tenant ledger is now able to be done with ease. Simply click the name of the account to filter the TL down to transactions that pertain to the selected account.
Reports Center
- Statement of Operations report has a simplified view, as well as integrating the new non-A/R accounts as columns within each program/project.
- The Household Account Activity Report has been replaced by the new Tenant Ledger Report. The Tenant Ledger Report follows suit with the Statement of Operations Report with an updated, simplified view. As well as incorporating columns for each account has household has, as well as their non-A/R account activity. Each household shown in the Tenant Ledger report includes details pertaining to their address, program, project, status, move-in date, move-out date, and conveyance dates.
Released as Hotfix to Customer on January 31, 2017
- Conveyance actions were able to be done on the program type "Homeownership" however not "Mutual Help". These actions needed to happen on both.
Rent Posting
- Issue running auto rent posting Dry Runs and Rent Roll Reports.
Released as Hotfix to Customer on February 1, 2016
Auto Rent Posting
Rent charges were falsely being reported. Now looks at subcategory instead of accountType.
Released as Hotfix to Customer on February 5, 2017
Loan Charge Posting
- Issues wherein loan charges were not posting correctly after accounting refactor.
Released as Hotfix to Customer on February 5, 2017
- HQS and UPCS templates will now come as default inspection templates for all new customer sites.
Chart of Accounts
- Editing the chart of accounts at the program or project level was not saving changing appropriately at the tenant level.