Doorways Permission Variables
For WalkMe Segmentation: Permission Variables in Doorways
Here are all of the permissions used in Doorways.
The two important bits are:
Name: Name you would see in Users tab
codeName: What you would use during Segmentation or anywhere you check to see if a permission is active
Waiting Lists :
"name": "View Waiting Lists Section",
"codeName": "viewWaitingLists",
"description": "Allows the user to view the waiting lists section",
"category": "Waiting Lists"
"name": "Edit Waiting List Details",
"codeName": "editWaitingLists",
"description": "Allows the user to edit the waiting list details",
"category": "Waiting Lists"
"name": "Create Waiting Lists",
"codeName": "createWaitingLists",
"description": "Allows the user to create the waiting lists",
"category": "Waiting Lists"
Households :
"name": "View Recertification Report",
"codeName": "viewRecertReport",
"description": "Allows the user to view the recert report",
"category": "Households"
"name": "View Tenant Ledger",
"codeName": "viewTenantLedger",
"description": "Allows the user to view the tenant ledger",
"category": "Households"
"name": "View Tracking",
"codeName": "viewTracking",
"description": "Allows the user to view the tracking tab",
"category": "Households"
"name": "View Household Wait Lists",
"codeName": "viewHouseholdWaitLists",
"description": "Allows the user to view the household wait lists tab",
"name": "View Documents",
"codeName": "viewHouseholdDocuments",
"description": "Allows the user to view the documents tab",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Delete Document",
"codeName": "deleteHouseholdDocuments",
"description": "Allows the user to delete household documents",
"category": "Households"
"name": "View Household History",
"codeName": "viewHouseholdHistory",
"description": "Allows the user to view the household history tab",
"category": "Households"
"name": "View Income, Assets, Expenses",
"codeName": "viewIncomeAssetsExpenses",
"description": "Allows the user to view the Income, Assets and Expenses tab",
"category": "Households"
"name": "View Account Balances Tile",
"codeName": "viewAccountBalancesTile",
"description": "View Account Balances Tile on Households Overview",
"category": "Households"
"name": "View Notifications Tile",
"codeName": "viewNotificationTile",
"description": "View Notifications Tile on Households Overview",
"category": "Households"
"name": "View Waiting Lists Tile",
"codeName": "viewWaitingListsTile",
"description": "View Waiting Lists Tile on Households Overview",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Edit Member Profile",
"codeName": "editMemberProfile",
"description": "Edit Member Profile on Households Overview",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Post Payment",
"codeName": "postPayment",
"description": "Allows the user to post a payment",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Posting Adjustments",
"codeName": "postAdjustment",
"description": "Allows the user to post adjustments",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Posting Charges",
"codeName": "postCharge",
"description": "Allows the user to post charges",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Transfer Funds",
"codeName": "transferFunds",
"description": "Allows the user to transfer funds",
"category": "Households"
"name": "View Tenant SSN",
"codeName": "viewTenantSSN",
"description": "Allows the user to view the Tenant SSN",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Enter Move Ins, Move Outs, and Recertifications",
"codeName": "enterMoveInsMoveOutsRecerts",
"description": "Allows the user to perform move ins, move outs and annual / interim recertifications",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Enter Conveyance Eligible and Conveyance Actions",
"codeName": "enterConveyanceActions",
"description": "Allows the user to perform conveyance eligible and conveyance actions.",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Undo Conveyance Eligible and Conveyance Actions",
"codeName": "undoConveyanceActions",
"description": "Allows the user to undo conveyance eligible and conveyance actions.",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Enter Fixed Rate Rents",
"codeName": "enterFixedRateRents",
"description": "Allows the user to override rent calculations for fixed rate rents",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Edit TTP Details",
"codeName": "editTTPDetails",
"description": "Allows the user to edit TTP details",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Undo Move Outs",
"codeName": "undoMoveOuts",
"description": "Allows the user to undo move outs",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Undo Move Ins",
"codeName": "undoMoveIns",
"description": "Allows the user to undo move ins",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Undo Certifications",
"codeName": "undoCertifications",
"description": "Allows the user to undo certifications",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Edit Existing Transactions",
"codeName": "editExistingTransactions",
"description": "Allows the user to edit existing transactions",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Void Transactions",
"codeName": "voidTransactions",
"description": "Allows the user to void transactions",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Delete Households",
"codeName": "deleteHousehold",
"description": "Allows the user to delete a household",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Add Units",
"codeName": "addUnits",
"description": "Add Units",
"category": "Households"
"codeName": "editUnits",
"description": "Edit Units",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Override Unit Settings",
"codeName": "overrideUnitSettings",
"description": "Allows the user to override unit rent calculation settings",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Edit Notes",
"codeName": "editNotes",
"description": "Allows the user to edit other users notes",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Delete Notes",
"codeName": "deleteNotes",
"description": "Allows the user to delete other users notes",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Dismiss Alerts",
"codeName": "dismissAlerts",
"description": "Allows the user to dismiss system alerts",
"category": "Households"
"name": "Edit Household Wait List Details",
"codeName": "editHouseholdWaitLists",
"description": "Allows the user to edit the household wait list details",
"category": "Households"
"name": "View Merge Fields",
"codeName": "viewMergeFields",
"description": "Adds The Ability To View The Merge Fields Tab",
"category": "Templates"
"name": "Edit Letter Templates",
"codeName": "editLetterTemplates",
"description": "Ability To Add New Templates, Edit, Delete, or Replace Existing Letter Templates",
"category": "Templates"
"name": "View Templates Section",
"codeName": "viewTemplates",
"description": "Allows the user to view the templates section",
"category": "Templates"
"name": "View Letter Templates",
"codeName": "viewLetterTemplates",
"description": "Allows the user to view the letter templates",
"category": "Templates"
"name": "View Report Templates",
"codeName": "viewReportTemplates",
"description": "Allows the user to view report templates",
"category": "Templates"
"name": "Edit Report Templates",
"codeName": "editReportTemplates",
"description": "Allows the user to edit the report templates",
"category": "Templates"
"name": "View Inspection Templates",
"codeName": "viewInspectionTemplates",
"description": "Allows the user to view the inspection templates tab",
"category": "Maintenance"
"name": "Edit Inspection Templates",
"codeName": "editInspectionTemplates",
"description": "Allows the user to edit inspection templates",
"category": "Maintenance"
"name": "Remove Work Order",
"codeName": "removeWorkOrder",
"description": "Allows the user to remove/archive a work order",
"category": "Maintenance"
"name": "Edit Materials",
"codeName": "editMaterials",
"description": "Allows the user to edit and archive materials",
"category": "Maintenance"
"name": "Add Materials",
"codeName": "addMaterials",
"description": "Allows the user to create and view materials",
"category": "Maintenance"
"name": "Review / Close Work Orders",
"codeName": "reviewCloseWorkOrders",
"description": "Allows the user to be assigned as the reviewer of a work order and also to close the work order",
"category": "Maintenance"
"name": "Configure Custom Attributes",
"codeName": "configureCustomAttributes",
"description": "Allows the user to configure custom attributes",
"category": "Administration"
"name": "View Maintenance Section",
"codeName": "viewMaintenanceSection",
"description": "Allows the user to view the maintenance section.",
"category": "Maintenance"
"name": "Create a Work Order ",
"codeName": "createWorkOrder",
"description": "Allows the user to create a work order.",
"category": "Maintenance"
"name": "Schedule an Inspection ",
"codeName": "scheduleInspection",
"description": "Allows the user to schedule an inspection.",
"category": "Maintenance"
"name": "Add Charges to a Work Order",
"codeName": "addChargesToWorkOrder",
"description": "Allows the user to add actual costs to a work order.",
"category": "Maintenance"
"name": "Assign a Work Order",
"codeName": "assignWorkOrder",
"description": "Allows the user to assign a work order.",
"category": "Maintenance"
"name": "Create Maintenance Activities",
"codeName": "createMaintenanceActivities",
"description": "Allows the user to create maintenance activities.",
"category": "Maintenance"
"name": "View Work Order Configuration",
"codeName": "viewWorkOrderConfiguration",
"description": "Allows the user to see the Work Order Configuration tab.",
"category": "Maintenance"
"name": "Add Charges to Closed Work Order",
"codeName": "addChargesOnClosedWorkOrder",
"description": "Allows the user to add charges to a closed work order",
"category": "Maintenance"
"name": "Toggle Inventory Locations Active / Inactive",
"codeName": "toggleLocationActive",
"description": "Allows the user to toggle an inventory location between active and inactive.",
"category": "Maintenance"
"name": "Edit Month End Accounting",
"codeName": "editMonthEndAccounting",
"description": "Allows the user to open, lock, or close month end accounting period",
"category": "Accounting"
"name": "View Month End and Deposits Tabs",
"codeName": "viewMonthEndAndDepositTabs",
"description": "Allows the user to view the View Month End and Deposits Tabs",
"category": "Accounting"
"name": "View Misc Receipts",
"codeName": "viewMiscReceipts",
"description": "Allows the user to view miscellaneous receipts",
"category": "Accounting"
"name": "Post Misc Receipts",
"codeName": "postMiscReceipts",
"description": "Allows the user to post miscellaneous receipts",
"category": "Accounting"
"name": "View Reports",
"codeName": "viewAccountingReports",
"description": "View Reports",
"category": "Accounting"
"name": "View Billing Statements",
"codeName": "viewBillingStatements",
"description": "View Billing Statements",
"category": "Accounting"
"name": "View Batch Payments",
"codeName": "viewBatchPayments",
"description": "View Batch Payments",
"category": "Accounting"
"name": "Remove Batch Payment List",
"codeName": "removeBatchPaymentList",
"description": "Remove Batch Payment List",
"category": "Accounting"
"name": "Create Batch Payment List",
"codeName": "createBatchPaymentList",
"description": "Create Batch Payment List",
"category": "Accounting"
"name": "Post New Batch Payment",
"codeName": "postBatchPayment",
"description": "Post Batch Payment",
"category": "Accounting"
"name": "View Late Fees",
"codeName": "viewLateFees",
"description": "Late Fees",
"category": "Accounting"
"name": "Post Late Fees",
"codeName": "postLateFees",
"description": "Post Late Fees",
"category": "Accounting"
"name": "Add Users",
"codeName": "addUsers",
"description": "Allows the user to add new users",
"category": "Administration"
"name": "Manage Users and Roles",
"codeName": "manageUsersAndRoles",
"description": "Allows the user to manage users and roles",
"category": "Administration"
"name": "Generate Letters",
"codeName": "generateLetters",
"description": "Allows the user to generate letters",
"category": "Letters"
"name": "View Groups Section",
"codeName": "viewGroups",
"description": "Allows the user to view the groups section, or create groups from reports",
"category": "Groups"
Reports Center:
"name": "View Report Center",
"codeName": "viewCustomReports",
"description": "Allows the user to view the reports center tab",
"category": "Reports Center"
"name": "Create Query",
"codeName": "createQuery",
"description": "Allows the user to create report center Queries",
"category": "Reports Center"
"name": "Delete Query",
"codeName": "deleteQuery",
"description": "Allows the user to delete report center Queries",
"category": "Reports Center"
"name": "Delete Unit Images",
"codeName": "deleteUnitImages",
"description": "Allows the user to delete unit images",
"category": "Units"
"name": "View Month End Reports",
"codeName": "viewReportCategory:Month End",
"description": "Allows the user to view the Month End category in the reporting app.",
"category": "Reports"
"name": "View Accounting Reports",
"codeName": "viewReportCategory:Accounting",
"description": "Allows the user to view the Accounting category in the reporting app.",
"category": "Reports"
"name": "View Confidential Reports",
"codeName": "viewReportCategory:Confidential",
"description": "Allows the user to view the Confidential category in the reporting app.",
"category": "Reports"
"name": "View Authority Reports",
"codeName": "viewReportCategory:Authority",
"description": "Allows the user to view the Authority category in the reporting app.",
"category": "Reports"
"name": "View Community Reports",
"codeName": "viewReportCategory:Community",
"description": "Allows the user to view the Community category in the reporting app.",
"category": "Reports"
"name": "View Data Health Reports",
"codeName": "viewReportCategory:Data Health",
"description": "Allows the user to view the Data Health category in the reporting app.",
"category": "Reports"
"name": "View Properties Reports",
"codeName": "viewReportCategory:Properties",
"description": "Allows the user to view the Properties category in the reporting app.",
"category": "Reports"
"name": "View Users Reports",
"codeName": "viewReportCategory:Users",
"description": "Allows the user to view the Users category in the reporting app.",
"category": "Reports"
"name": "View Excel Friendly Reports",
"codeName": "viewReportCategory:Excel Friendly",
"description": "Allows the user to view the Excel Friendly category in the reporting app.",
"category": "Reports"
"name": "Add/Edit Materials",
"codeName": "addEditMaterials",
"description": "Allows the user to add or edit inventory materials",
"category": "Inventory"
"name": "Create/Edit Locations",
"codeName": "addEditLocations",
"description": "Allows the user to add or edit locations",
"category": "Inventory"
"name": "Transfer Inventory",
"codeName": "performTransfers",
"description": "Allows the user to perform transfers on inventory",
"category": "Inventory"
"name": "Adjust Inventory",
"codeName": "performAdjustments",
"description": "Allows the user to perform adjustments on inventory",
"category": "Inventory"
"name": "Receive Inventory",
"codeName": "performReceivals",
"description": "Allows the user to perform receivals on inventory",
"category": "Inventory"
"name": "View Inventory Tab",
"codeName": "viewInventoryTab",
"description": "Allows the user to view inventory tab",
"category": "Inventory"
"name": "View Action Activity Tab",
"codeName": "viewActionActivityTab",
"description": "Allows the user to view action activity tab",
"category": "Inventory"
"name": "Dispose Inventory",
"codeName": "performDisposals",
"description": "Allows the user to perform disposals on inventory",
"category": "Inventory"