The dashboard is the homepage of the Doorways app. Through the dashboard you can access most of the tools needed to function within the app.
Accessing the dashboard is as easy as logging in to your Doorways account. If you need to navigate back to the dashboard later on, click the "HDS Doorways" button in the top left hand corner of the main header bar.
A-Search (All households and all units): Search by first name, last name, SSN, or ARN
B- "Transact" button, prompts to search for the household you wish to post a transaction for, and walks you through posting a new transaction. (See Accounting)
C- "Correspondence" button, first prompts you to search for the household you wish to generate correspondence for, and offers a list of document templates to choose from. (See Correspond - Generate a Letter)
D- "Repair button" is unavailable with the beta version of Doorways, but will be coming soon for ease in managing work orders.
E- "Sign Up" button is used to sign up new applicants. (See Creating a New Household)
F- Main header bar:
1- Application Name- navigates back to dashboard.
2- Households- launches list of all households, and filter options widget.
3- Units- navigates to units dashboard
4- Accounting- launches accounting dashboard
5- Letters- opens correspondence
6- Waiting Lists- displays waiting list dashboard, current waiting lists, and unit vacancy widget.
7-Search Tool- search throughout the application
8- User Name- opens a drop-down menu:
(For more info, see Users)
9- Query- Launches the Doorways Documentation User/Help Guide
G- Recertifications Widget - Summary of upcoming recertifications (See Upcoming Recertifications Widget)
H- Units Widget - Quick Summary of units. (See Units Widget)