Released to customer on October 25th, 2017
Roles and Permissions
Permissions to manage Waiting Lists added.
Report selector dropdown now has a scrollbar.
All Households Report now includes Conveyed, Assigned, Tenant, Inactive
Letter/Report Templates
Templates can no longer be added that match the name of another. All names need to be unique.
Loan did not "Stop" or move to the expired section after it was paid off.
Households moving into loan homes, had sections where TTP was shown. This was not necessary unless the household was of Mutual Help, Tax Credit, or a Rental.
Recurring Transactions
Recurring Transactions now expire upon conveying a household. (If the option to end recurring transactions is selected during the conveyance process.)
Work Orders
Search tool was non-functional.
Conveyance Wizard was missing data within the Account Balance step.
Required Deposits
Second deposits wont save.