Released to customer on October 25th, 2017
Roles and Permissions
- Permissions to manage Waiting Lists added.
- Report selector dropdown now has a scrollbar.
All Households Report now includes Conveyed, Assigned, Tenant, Inactive
Letter/Report Templates
- Templates can no longer be added that match the name of another. All names need to be unique.
- Loan did not "Stop" or move to the expired section after it was paid off.
- Households moving into loan homes, had sections where TTP was shown. This was not necessary unless the household was of Mutual Help, Tax Credit, or a Rental.
Recurring Transactions
- Recurring Transactions now expire upon conveying a household. (If the option to end recurring transactions is selected during the conveyance process.)
Work Orders
- Search tool was non-functional.
- Conveyance Wizard was missing data within the Account Balance step.
Required Deposits
- Second deposits wont save.
Household Overview
- Notification Center is now functional again. Monthly rent amount, as well as the total required deposits owed appears.