Released to customer on March 28th, 2018
- Added the ability to create a Waiting List Report in the Reports Center.
- With this, you also now have the ability to hide certain information including Household name, Income Level, and the ability to not show SSN, or just show last four, alongside many other items.
- Added the ability to email single reports.
Current Vacancy Report
- This report will now display information about the Previous Tenants for a Unit.
- This report will now display an Apartment Number.
Work Orders
- Work Order Reviewing and Closing now requires a setup permission. This ensures that you can only assign people with that permission to Review and Close a Work Order.
- Added a letter that you can create from a Work Order. This letter is for Work Orders where the Tenant is being charged for materials. This letter will accurately represent amount owed based on the work completed.
- Added the ability to edit a Work Order Description and Unit after the Work Order has been created.
Custom Attributes
- Added the ability for clients to define new attributes for the Work Orders that are not standard Work Orders. This is an exclusive permission tied to Executive Directors, after training.
Intake Dashboard
- No longer will you be able to see accounts that have been deactivated while searching on the Intake Dashboard.
Work Orders
- Fixed an issue where you could not tie an existing material in your preferred materials list to your Work Order.
- Fixed an issue where you could not upload an image to an existing Work Order with a manually defined Common Area.
- Fixed an issue where a deleted Work Order could still show up in the Work Order search results.
- Cleaned up the overview for the Work Orders page. Items should now be more spread out, and easier to read.
Waiting List
- Fixed an issue where editing the application date of a household on the Waiting List would not change their position on that Waiting List, in the event of a tie in preference points.
- Fixed an issue where notes tied to a Waiting List would disappear after refreshing the page.
- Fixed an issue where the result menu of an Inspection would be blank after selecting the appropriate result.
- Fixed an issue where you could not resume an Inspection on iPad if you had started the Inspection on a computer.
- Fixed an issue where transfers where the only transactions that could not be voided.
Program Setup
- Fixed an issue you could not edit the subcategory in setup for Work Order Charges.
- Fixed an issue where the subcategory setup dropdown menu was being cut off by the bottom of the page.
- Fixed an issue where Setup Items where not being deleted if attempting to delete multiple items at the same time.
Batch Payments
- Fixed an issue when posting a Batch Payment, the button could be double-clicked, and there would be a chance that the payments where posted twice.
- This fix disables the Batch Payment button while the payments are loading, so that they can not be posted twice.
- Fixed an issue while editing the accounts in a group that the page would skip to the bottom for groups larger than the size of fifteen.
- Fixed an issue where our iPad applications where timing-out after only one hour of being signed in. This fix ensures that you don't have to log in again every hour.
- Fixed an issue where ready for offline use was not properly in-sync with our application.
- Fixed an issue where our applications where not displaying completed Inspections.
- Fixed an issue where our applications where displaying deleted Inspections.
- Fixed an issue where our date picker would be cut off for Inspections.
- Fixed an issue where our Inspection data would not populate a new Reinspection. This fix ensures that you don't have to manually fill out information you have previously entered on an Inspection for Reinspection.
Voiding Deposited Transactions
- Updated the error when Voiding a Deposited Transaction to be more clear.
- Voiding a transaction will now void the offset transactions that are tied to it.
Activity Report
- Updated the template for the Activity Report
- Removed the gridlines, bolded the titles, and expanded certain columns for easier viewing.
- Added the ability to filter the Activity Report by Created On date.
- Updated household notes to display the most recent three notes. This update ensures that the most relevent notes are displayed on top.
- Fixed miscalanious spelling errors throughout the application.