Open a New Work Order

Video Demonstration:

Step-by-Step Guide to Opening a Work Order

  1.  Click "Maintenance" in the header navigation bar.
  2.  Click the "Work Orders" tab.
  3. Click the "New Work Order" button.
  4. Complete General Information:
  5. Complete Property Information:
    1. Checkmark whether the work order is for a common area, or housing unit.
      1. If Creating Work Order for Common Area: Manually type in the address, select a program, and project.
      2. If Creating Work Order for Unit: Search for and select a household or unit that the work order will pertain to.
  6. Complete Maintenance Staff Information
  7. Optional - Enter a comment:

  8. Click "Generate Work Order".
  9. Success! You have created a new work order. You will then be prompted with the choice to view the individual work order's details, or return to the overview list.

A - Summary: Fill out a summary of the work order. 

B - Work Requested: Fill in a more detailed description of the work to be done in the "Work Requested" field.

C - Maintenance Activity: Search for a maintenance activity that is similar to the work that will be requested.

A - Priority: Click the "Priority" dropdown, and select the Normal, High, or Emergency priority level.

B - Permission to Enter: Select "Yes" or "No" in for Permission to Enter.

C - Assigned to: Click the "Assigned to:" dropdown and select a user to assign the work order to.

D - Department: Click the "Department" dropdown and select which department the household belongs to.