Posting a Batch Payment
Posting a Batch Payment
Video Demonstration:
Step-by-Step Guide to Posting a Batch Payment
- First ensure that you have a Batch Payment List set up. For more information as to how this is done, see Guide to Creating a New Batch Payment List.
- Select the Batch Payment group you wish to post a payroll deduction for.
- Assert that accounts, transaction types, and/or amount is set for each tenant/household. If a household is on the list you do not wish to post a payment for this time, simply enter a $0.00 amount, and the transaction will not post for them.
- Click the "Post New Batch Payment" button.
- The Post Batch Payment wizard will run.
- Select or enter a "Post on Date."
- The description will be auto-populated with the description entered at creation of the batch payment list. If necessary, change description.
- Click "Submit".
- Success! The payments have been posted for each individual in the Batch Payment List that had an amount entered.
- User will then be navigated to the Historical view for this payment. See Batch Payment History - Create a Deposit for more information on the history screens, as well as how to create a deposit for a historical Batch Payment.
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