Making a Loan Payment
Making a Loan Payment
Step-by-Step Guide:
- Click "Make a Payment" from the Loan Overview screen or the Balance at a Glance view.
- The Post Payment wizard will run.
- Unit or Loan: Select the Loan this payment applies to.
- Account: Select the account you wish to post the payment to.
- Payment Type: Select the type of payment being made.
- Posted On Date: Enter the date the payment was posted.
- Amount: Enter the amount of the payment.
- Description: Enter a description for this payment (optional).
- Auto/Manual Allocation: select whether you want this payment to be manually, or automatically allocated. (For more information on allocations see Allocations.)
- Cancel Button: Click this button if you wish to cancel the payment.
- Post Payment Button: Click this button once required fields have been met, and you wish to post this payment.
- The payment will now appear in the "Charges & Payment History" page for the specified loan.
Video Demonstration: