Released to Customer on Monday April 17, 2017
Running Balances
- Each transaction now has a "balance" figure in the tenant ledger.
- The running balance shows the account balance at the time of the transaction being posted.
- These figures update automatically if a transaction has been voided, or a historical transaction is posted.
- Ability to change user password was set to admin only. This feature should be available for every user to have the ability to edit their own password without specific role/permissions.
- Edit profile link was not functional for all users, except for admin. This feature needed to be available for all users regardless of role/permissions for their own account.
- Error when creating a new loan.
- Unable to save new programs, error upon saving.
- Searching for a member of household, then using those search results to navigate would not always bring up the member that was searched for.
Required Deposits
- Households that had a multiple unit history within the same project had new required deposits set up for each move-in action. That is desired behavior, however the name set for the deposit was the same and did not offer indication of difference by unit. The name automatically set now for a required deposit includes the unit address.
Recurring Transactions
- Error when attempting to stop or delete a recurring transaction
Income, Assets, & Expenses
- Refresh needed after updating a households income.
Waiting Lists
- Updated look and feel.
- Refusals and Removals are now a "comment" action.
- Waiting lists can now be ranked first by preference points then by application date & time.
- Ability to edit the application date and time.
- Ability to create
Misc. Receipts
- Pagination implemented in miscellaneous receipts.