Released to customer on February 5th, 2018
Payment Dashboard:
- The goal with the Payment Dashboard is to reduce the number of steps it takes to get payments sorted between multiple accounts, and to quickly get a receipt.
- Intake Miscellaneous Receipts - Review and create new miscellaneous receipt payments.
- Intake Payments - Look up tenants and take in multiple payments.
- Intake Work Orders - Look up existing work orders and create new ones.
Report Center:
- New Reports Center:
- Allows for easier access to reports.
- Customization when it comes to permissions for each user to view a certain report.
- Customization for configuration. I.e. individual HA's can set some reports to show more information that the default settings.
- Allows for setting "Favorite" reports. Reports then are even easier to access.
Household History:
- Added the ability to upload documents to household letter history.
Work Orders:
- Added the ability to add an activity to a new Work Order. Previously you could not state the action being performed.
Billing Statements:
- Fixed an issue where generating bulk billing statements were giving identical reference numbers. This fix ensures different numbers for each statement generated.
- Fixed a bug where up to only 30 activities were displaying in Work Order page. Now after 30 actives in the same work order, it will automatically create a second page.
- Fixed an issue where notes were not able to be edited. This fix ensures that you can edit your own notes.
Cash Cut Off Report:
- Fixed an issue where some important information was not displaying on the receipt. This fix ensures all information is visible, and available on the report and receipt.
- Various items added to search results.
- Fixed various grammatical errors.
Cash Cutoff:
- We have renamed Cash Cutoff report to Cash Receipt Register.
Mutual Help Program:
- Removed this program, and is now replaced by Home ownership.
Transfer Wizard:
- Various rules have changed in the way transfers work, the "what is transferring funds" message now correctly explains how transfers work.
Permissions Page:
- Previously permissions were cluttered, and not in any meaningful order. We updated the page to display in alphabetical order, and sorted by category.
Month End Report:
- Enhanced the Month End Report.
Released to customer on February 12th, 2018
Income Limits:
- Fixed an issue where income limits would not save if value was 0. This fix ensures that you can now save 0 limits, and will be defaulted to "--"